Title Utjecaj klimatskih promjena na siromaštvo i socijalni razvoj
Title (english) Impact of climate change on poverty and social development
Author Maja Minarik
Mentor Jelena Matančević (mentor)
Committee member Jelena Matančević (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Opačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Buljevac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social policy) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-09-04, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract U ovom radu obrađena je tema Utjecaj klimatskih promjena na siromaštvo i socijalni razvoj, s ciljem stjecanja uvida u različitosti u izloženosti i ranjivosti na posljedice tih promjena ovisno o stupnju razvijenosti neke zemlje, ali i određene karakteristike pojedinaca i skupina unutar njih.
Rad je strukturiran na način da se u prvom dijelu obrađuje izloženost klimatskim promjenama različitih regija svijeta, s naglaskom na zemlje u razvoju i njihovu osobitu ranjivost. Drugi dio se odnosi na utjecaj klimatskih promjena na siromaštvo i osobe koje žive u siromaštvu, jer promijenjeni klimatski obrasci nepovoljno utječu na poljoprivredu, ekosustave i bioraznolikost te turizam koji predstavljaju izvor sredstava za život mnogim ljudima, ali i zdravlje koje je osobama koje žive u siromaštvu već ugroženo radi lošije kvalitete života. Osim toga, loša infrastruktura na području gdje žive osobe u riziku od siromaštva dodatno je ugrožena sve češćim elementarnim nepogodama. Treći dio bavi se održivim razvojem i inicijativama u tom području te, naposljetku, četvrti dio je usmjeren na rješenja za već prouzrokovane posljedice klimatskih promjena.
Uporaba fosilnih goriva i iscrpljivanje dostupnih resursa do krajnjih granica doveli su svijet do točke neodrživosti. Osim toga, štetne emisije stakleničkih plinova koje takav način života uzrokuje dovele su do globalnog zagrijavanja i narušile ravnotežu na Zemlji. Posljedice koje se osjećaju, ali i one koje se prognoziraju, natjerale su sve zemlje svijeta da počnu tražiti zajednička rješenja i tako se javila ideja o održivom razvoju. Riječ je o razvoju koji podrazumijeva obnovljive resurse i izvore energije, čija uporaba štiti okoliš i ne uništava dostupne resurse, omogućujući njihovo korištenje, a istovremeno ih ostavljajući dovoljno i za buduće generacije.
Abstract (english) This paper deals with the topic of the impact of climate change on poverty and social development, with the aim of gaining insight into differences in exposure and vulnerability to the consequences of these changes depending on the level of development of a country, but also certain characteristics of individuals and groups within them.
The work is structured in such a way that the first part deals with exposure to climate change in different regions of the world, with an emphasis on developing countries and their particular vulnerability. The second part refers to the impact of climate change on poverty and people living in poverty, because changed climate patterns adversely affect agriculture, ecosystems and biodiversity, as well as tourism, which represent a source of livelihood for many people, but also the health of people living in poverty, which is already threatened due to a poorer quality of life. In addition, the poor infrastructure in the area where people at the risk of poverty live is further threatened by increasingly frequent natural disasters. The third part deals with sustainable development and initiatives in that area, and finally, the fourth part is focused on solutions for the already caused consequences of climate change.
The use of fossil fuels and the depletion of available resources have brought the world to the point of unsustainability. In addition, the harmful emissions of greenhouse gases caused by such a lifestyle have led to global warming and disturbed the balance on Earth. The consequences that are felt, as well as those that are forecast, forced all the countries of the world to start looking for joint solutions and thus the idea of sustainable development appeared. It is about development that includes renewable resources and energy sources, the use of wich protects the environment and does not destroy available resources, enabling their use, while at the same time leaving enough of them for future generations.
klimatske promjene
osobe koje žive u siromaštvu
zemlje u razvoju
održivi razvoj
prilagodba na klimatske promjene
štetne emisije stakleničkih plinova
Keywords (english)
climate change
people living in poverty
developing countries
sustainable development
adaptation to climate change
harmful emissions of greenhouse gases
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:802917
Study programme Title: Social Policy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalne politike (magistar/magistra socijalne politike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-09-07 08:48:13