U 21. stoljeću tehnološke inovacije ubrzano transformiraju društvo na globalnoj razini. Tehnologije mijenjaju način rada, komunikacije i zabave, a umjetna inteligencija (UI) ima sve veći utjecaj na svijet. UI ima potencijal transformirati mnoge aspekte našeg života stoga, važno je da se koristi na siguran i odgovoran način. Pravne regulative su ključne u osiguravanju odgovornog korištenja UI te u pružanju djelotvorne zaštite u slučaju da štetu počini UI. Nedavno je Europska unija započela izradu regulatornih okvira kako bi se osigurali standardi i norme za UI na razini Europske unije. Prijedlog Akta o umjetnoj inteligenciji, propisujući standarde koje sve države članice Europske unije moraju slijediti, predstavlja zajedno s Prijedlogom Direktive o odgovornosti za neispravne proizvode i Prijedlogom Direktive o odgovornost za umjetnu inteligenciju, konačni dio slagalice prvog zakonodavnog okvira o odgovornosti za UI. Tri akta, zajedno s Uredbom o općoj sigurnosti proizvoda, trebala bi pružati adekvatnu zaštitu oštećenicima u slučaju da štetu prouzroči UI. Cilj rada je istražiti kako četiri ključna izvora uređuju odgovornost za štetu na razini Europske unije u slučaju štete koju prouzroči UI te na koji način se četiri izvora mogu implementirati u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo.
Sažetak (engleski) The rapid development of technological innovations is transforming society at a global level in the 21st century. These technologies are changing the way we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves, and artificial intelligence (AI) is having an increasingly significant impact on the world. AI has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives, so it is important that it is used in a safe and responsible way. Legal regulations are essential for ensuring the responsible use of AI and for providing effective protection in case of damage caused by AI. The European Union has recently begun developing regulatory frameworks to ensure standards and norms for AI at the EU level. The Proposal of the Artificial Intelligence Act, which sets out standards that all EU member states must follow, together with the Proposal for a Directive on liability for defective products and the Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive completes the puzzle of the first legislative framework on liability for AI. These three acts, together with the General Product Safety Regulation, should provide adequate protection for victims in the event of damage caused by AI. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how four key legal sources regulate liability at the EU level in the case of damage caused by AI and how these four sources can be implemented into Croatian law.
The rapid development of technological innovations is transforming society at a global level in the 21st century. These technologies are changing the way we work, communicate, and entertain ourselves, and artificial intelligence (AI) is having an increasingly significant impact on the world. AI has the potential to transform many aspects of our lives, so it is important that it is used in a safe and responsible way. Legal regulations are essential for ensuring the responsible use of AI and for providing effective protection in case of damage caused by AI. The European Union has recently begun developing regulatory frameworks to ensure standards and norms for AI at the EU level. The Proposal of the Artificial Intelligence Act, which sets out standards that all EU member states must follow, together with the Proposal for a Directive on liability for defective products and the Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive completes the puzzle of the first legislative framework on liability for AI. These three acts, together with the General Product Safety Regulation, should provide adequate protection for victims in the event of damage caused by AI. The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how four key legal sources regulate liability at the EU level in the case of damage caused by AI and how these four sources can be implemented into Croatian law.
Key words: artificial intelligence (AI), liability, damage, Proposal of the Artificial Intelligence Act, General Product Safety Regulation, Proposal for a Directive on liability for defective products, Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive, Civil Obligations Act
Ključne riječi
umjetna inteligencija (UI)
Prijedlog Akta o umjetnoj inteligenciji
Uredba o općoj sigurnosti proizvoda
Prijedlog Direktive o odgovornosti za neispravne proizvode
Prijedlog Direktive o odgovornost za umjetnu inteligenciju
Zakon o obveznim odnosima
Ključne riječi (engleski)
artificial intelligence (AI)
Proposal of the Artificial Intelligence Act
General Product Safety Regulation
Proposal for a Directive on liability for defective products
Proposal for an Artificial Intelligence Liability Directive
Civil Obligations Act