Sažetak | Čovjek je socijalno biće te je kao takvo neprestano okruženo drugim ljudima , a brojne teorije naglašavaju važnost upravo tog, socijalnog konteksta u psihičkom razvoju čovjeka. Hoće li dijete razviti pozitivne ili negativne posljedice poput anksioznosti, depresije ili pak agresije uvelike ovisi o kvaliteti odnosa koja je steklo tijekom ranog djetinjstva i predškolske dobi sa svojim roditeljima, vršnjacima i odgajateljima. U najvećoj mjeri na psihički razvoj djeteta utječu odnosi u obitelji te kvaliteta privrženosti koju stekne u prvim godinama života sa primarnim skrbnikom, a autoritativni roditeljski stil u tom se smilsu pokazao zaštitnim čimbenikom. Obiteljsko okruženje može biti i rizični čimbenik, u tom slučaju uloga odgajatelja u djetetovoj dobrobiti još više dobiva na važnosti. Uloga vršnjaka drugačija je u pojedinim godinama ranog i predškolskog razdoblja, no meĎu najčešćim dobrobitima koje donosi priajteljstvo jesu emocionalna sigurnost, pozitivna slika o sebi, socijalna kompetencija, zadovoljenje potrebe za intimnošću, usvajanje prosocijalnog ponašanja i zadovoljstvo.
Ključne riječi: psihički razvoj, socijalna okolina, rano djetinjstvo, roditelji, vršnjaci
The role of social environment in child pschycological development in early and preschool years
Man is a social being and as such is constantly surrounded by other people and many theories emphasize the importance of this, social context in the mental development of man. Wheather a child develops positive or negative consequences such as anxiety, depression or aggression largly depends on the quality of the relationship he has acquired during early childhood and preschool years with his parents, peers and educators. The child's psychological development is mostly influenced by family relationships and the quality of attachment he acquires in the first years of life with the primary caregiver and the authoritative parenting style in this sense has proven to be a protective factor. The family environment can also be a risk factor, in which case the role of educator in the child's well-being becomes even more important. The role of peers is different in some years of the early and preschool period, but among the most common benefits that friendships brings are emotional security, positive self-image, social competence, meeting the need for intimacy, adopting prosocial behavior and satisfaction. |
Sažetak (engleski) | Man is a social being and as such is constantly surrounded by other people and many theories emphasize the importance of this, social context in the mental development of man. Wheather a child develops positive or negative consequences such as anxiety, depression or aggression largly depends on the quality of the relationship he has acquired during early childhood and preschool years with his parents, peers and educators. The child's psychological development is mostly influenced by family relationships and the quality of attachment he acquires in the first years of life with the primary caregiver and the authoritative parenting style in this sense has proven to be a protective factor. The family environment can also be a risk factor, in which case the role of educator in the child's well-being becomes even more important. The role of peers is different in some years of the early and preschool period, but among the most common benefits that friendships brings are emotional security, positive self-image, social competence, meeting the need for intimacy, adopting prosocial behavior and satisfaction. |