Abstract | Životno razdoblje koje se naziva nadolazeća odraslost predstavlja vrijeme kada se pojedinci obično smatraju prestarima da bi bili adolescenti, ali s druge strane, još nisu potpuno odrasle osobe. Najčešći aspekti koji karakteriziraju razdoblje nadolazeće odraslosti su završavanje fakulteta i priprema za izlazak u svijet rada. Za veliki broj mladih ljudi u ranim dvadesetima fakultet je važan korak na prijelazu iz adolescencije u odraslu dob. Mentalno zdravlje je temelj koji omogućuje mladima da ostvare vlastite potencijale i predstavlja važnu sastavnicu cjelokupnog zdravlja svake osobe koja ima učinak na razne aspekte njegovog života. Studenti se u procesu studiranja susreću s novim životnim izazovima i zadatcima zbog čega se može javiti osjećaj ugroženosti, tjeskobe i stresa te može doći do psihičke ranjivosti. Cilj ovog istraživanja jest dobiti uvid u doživljaj studentica diplomskog studija socijalnog rada o učinku razdoblja nadolazeće odraslosti na njihovo mentalno zdravlje. U istraživanju je sudjelovalo osam studentica diplomskog studija socijalnog rada Studijskog centra socijalnog rada na Pravnom fakultetu u Zagrebu. Metoda prikupljanja podataka koja je korištena je polustrukturirani intervju, a za obradu podataka korištena je tematska analiza. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su da se kod studentica javljaju pomiješani osjećaji u vezi završavanja studija i planiranja budućnosti pa se tako s jedne strane javljaju pozitivni osjećaji kao što su sreća, uzbuđenje i samopouzdanje, ali također osjećaju strah, anksioznost i stres zbog budućnosti. Brige zbog završavanja studija i planiranja budućnosti očitovale su se kao zabrinutost u vezi pisanja diplomskog rada, pripravništva i zapošljavanja, ali i kao češće promišljanje o budućnosti. Studentice navode da im pri nošenju s tim izazovima otežava nedostatak informacija, neizvjesnost, pisanje diplomskog rada, te često razmišljanje o budućnosti, a pomaže im razgovor i podrška od strane bližnjih, razne relaksacijske aktivnosti, njihova individualna obilježja, korištenje tehnika opuštanja i zaokupljanje nečim drugim. |
Abstract (english) | The period of life called emerging adulthood represents the time when individuals are usually considered too old to be adolescents, but on the other hand, they are not yet fully adults. The most common aspects that characterize the period of emerging adulthood are finishing college and preparing to enter the world of work. For a large number of young people in their early twenties, college is an important step in the transition from adolescence to adulthood. Mental health is the foundation that allows young people to realize their potential and is an important component of the overall health of every person that has an effect on various aspects of his life. In the process of studying, students encounter new life challenges and tasks, which can cause a feeling of threat, anxiety and stress, and can lead to psychological vulnerability. The aim of this research is to get an insight into the experience of graduate students in social work about the effect of the emerging adulthood period on their mental health. Eight students of the graduate study of social work of the Department of Social Work at the Faculty of Law in Zagreb participated in the research. The data collection method that was used was a semi-structured interview, and thematic analysis was used for data processing. The results of the research showed that students have mixed feelings about finishing their studies and planning for the future, so on the one hand there are positive feelings such as happiness, excitement and self-confidence, but they also feel fear, anxiety and stress about the future. Worries about completing studies and planning for the future manifested themselves as concerns about writing a graduate thesis, internships and employment, but also as more frequent thinking about the future. Female students state that when dealing with these challenges, lack of information, uncertainty, writing a thesis, and often thinking about the future make it difficult for them, while they are helped by conversation and support from loved ones, various relaxation activities, their individual characteristics, the use of relaxation techniques and preoccupation with something else. |