Title Seksualni delikti na štetu djece
Title (english) Sexual offences against children
Author Ema Marčec
Mentor Maja Munivrana (mentor)
Committee member Maja Munivrana (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Aleksandar Maršavelski (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Sunčana Roksandić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Criminal Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-06-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Seksualni delikti na štetu djece najteži su oblik zlostavljanja djece koji zadiru u njihov tjelesni i spolni integritet, ali ostavljaju i duboke psihološke posljedice. Na međunarodnoj razini glavni su instrumenti sprječavanja i kažnjavanja seksualnog zlostavljanja i iskorištavanja djece Konvencija Vijeća Europe o zaštiti djece od seksualnog iskorištavanja i seksualnog zlostavljanja (Lanzarotska konvencija) i Direktiva 2011/93/EU o suzbijanju seksualnog zlostavljanja i seksualnog iskorištavanja
... More djece i dječje pornografije, a što se tiče zaštite procesnih prava žrtava ističe se Direktiva 2012/29/EU Europskog parlamenta i Vijeća o uspostavi minimalnih standarda za prava, potporu i zaštitu žrtava kaznenih djela. Svi navedeni instrumenti implementirani su u hrvatsko zakonodavstvo. Kazneni zakon iz 2011. godine izdvojio je seksualne delikte na štetu djece u posebnu Glavu zakona, čime se dodatno naglasila važnost zaštite djece od takve vrste povreda, za koje je poznato da često ostavljaju teške posljedice na cjelokupni razvoj djeteta.
Statistički pregledi kaznenih djela i broja prijavljenih i osuđenih počinitelja pružaju informacije o porastu te vrste kaznenih djela, no ono što posebno zabrinjava jest da istraživanja pokazuju da je kod tih djela prisutan vrlo izražen problem tamne brojke (čak do 10 neprijavljenih na 1 prijavljeno kazneno djelo). Informiranjem i jačanjem zaštitnih čimbenika, kao i edukacijom djece i odraslih o seksualnom zlostavljanju i iskorištavanju nastoji se umanjiti razmjere tog problema, ali i omogućiti pravovremenu i primjerenu reakciju na prijavljena djela, kao i odgovarajuće kažnjavanje i druge mjere usmjerene prema počiniteljima. Važno je i dalje raditi na unaprjeđenju procesnih prava djece žrtava, posebno na zaštiti njihove privatnosti i dostojanstva, te cijeli postupak što više prilagoditi djeci, na način da se u najvećoj mogućoj mjeri izbjegne dodatna traumatizacija i sekundarna viktimizacija. Velike nade u tom pogledu polažu se u model Barnahus, čiji je proces implementacije u Republici Hrvatskoj u tijeku te se očekuje da će u praksi zaživjeti 2026. godine. Less
Abstract (english) Sexual offences against children are the most serious form of child abuse, which infringe on their physical and sexual integrity, but also leave deep psychological consequences. At the international level, the main instruments for preventing and punishing sexual abuse and exploitation of children are the Council of Europe Convention on the Protection of Children from Sexual Exploitation and Sexual Abuse (Lanzarote Convention) and Directive 2011/93/EU on on combating the sexual abuse and
... More sexual exploitation of children and child pornography, and regarding the procedural rights of victims - Directive 2012/29/EU, establishing minimum standards on the rights, support and protection of victims of crime. All above mentioned instruments have been implemented in the Croatian legislation. The Criminal Code from 2011 separated sexual offences against children into a separate Chapter of the law, which further emphasized the importance of protecting children from this type of violation, which is known to often leave serious consequences for the child's overall development.
Statistical reviews of criminal offences and the number of reported and convicted offenders provide information on the increase in this type of criminal offences, but what is particularly worrying is that research shows that there is a very pronounced problem of the dark numbers for these offences (up to 10 unreported to 1 reported criminal offence). By informing and strengthening protective factors, as well as by educating children and adults about sexual abuse and exploitation, efforts are made to reduce the extent of this problem, but also to enable a timely and appropriate reaction to reported acts, as well as appropriate punishment and other measures aimed at the perpetrators. It is important to continue to work on improving the procedural rights of child victims, especially protecting their privacy and dignity, and adapting the entire procedure as much as possible to children, in such a way as to avoid additional traumatization and secondary victimization as much as possible. In this regard, great hopes are placed in the Barnahus model, whose implementation process in the Republic of Croatia is ongoing and is expected to come to life in 2026. Less
seksualni delikti na štetu djece
Lanzarotska konvencija
Direktiva 2011/93/EU
Direktiva 2012/29/EU
rizični i zaštitni čimbenici
kažnjavanje seksualnih delikata
registar počinitelja seksualnih delikata
sekundarna viktimizacija
djeca – žrtve u kaznenom postupku
Barnahus model
Keywords (english)
sexual offences against children
Lanzarote Convention
Directive 2011/93/EU
Directive 2012/29/EU
risk and protective factors
punishment of sexual offences
register of perpetrators of sexual offences
secondary victimization
child - victims in criminal proceedings
Barnahus model
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:821804
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava (sveučilišni magistar/magistrica prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
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Created on 2024-06-17 08:13:39