Abstract | Samoozljeđivanje je sve prisutniji fenomen u populaciji mladih. Spomenuti fenomen odnosi se na namjerno nanošenje štete vlastitom tkivu ili tijelu, ali bez suicidalne namjere. Ovo istraživanje provedeno je sa svrhom stjecanja dubljeg uvida u samoozljeđivanje djece bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi. U svrhu stjecanja takvog uvida u istraživanju je sudjelovalo 8 stručnjaka iz doma za djecu te organiziranog stanovanja uz sveobuhvatnu podršku koji se nalaze u sjevernom dijelu Hrvatske. Točnije, sudjelovalo je 5 odgajatelja, 2 socijalne radnice i 1 psihologinja. U svrhu prikupljanja podataka provedeni su intervjui sa stručnjacima kojima su dobiveni odgovori na dva istraživačka pitanja. Rezultati su prikazali okolnosti koje dovode do samoozljeđivanja djece bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi, a koje su stručnjaci prepoznali kroz svoj rad i iskustvo. Okolnosti koje su isticali podrazumijevale su izostanak regulacije neugodnih emocija, emocionalno rasterećenje, emocionalnu preplavljenost, potragu za identitetom, nepovoljne obiteljske okolnosti, loše odnose s ostalim korisnicima u smještaju, prisutnost kompliciranih ljubavnih odnosa, prisutnost traženja pomoći, sredstvo manipulacije okolinom, izloženost kulturološkim obilježjima, teškoće mentalnog zdravlja te individualne čimbenike, poput spola i dobi. Nadalje, stručnjaci su i opisivali svoju ulogu u slučaju samoozljeđivanja djeteta, pri čemu su isticali da se njihova uloga sastoji od poduzimanja prve intervencije, interne suradnje, samoinicijativnog postupanja, uključivanja službi izvan alternativne skrbi, rada na prevenciji samoozljeđivanja, korištenja protokola te ispunjavanja evidencija, a naveli su i čimbenike koji im pomažu i odmažu u obavljanju njihove uloge u slučaju samoozljeđivanja djeteta. Iskustvo stručnjaka pokazalo je sve češću prisutnost samoozljeđivanja kod djece bez odgovarajuće roditeljske skrbi, kao i posebne oblike samoozljeđivanja, ali i da je s djecom potrebno ostvariti odnos povjerenja, usaditi im osjećaj sigurnosti te im osigurati bliskost s barem jednom odraslom osobom, kao i smještaj s bratom ili sestrom. |
Abstract (english) | Self-injury is an increasingly present phenomenon in the youth population. The mentioned phenomenon refers to the intentional infliction of damage to one's own tissue or body, but without suicidal intent. This research was conducted with the purpose of gaining a deeper insight into self-injury by children without adequate parental care. In order to gain such an insight, 8 experts from children's homes and organized housing with comprehensive support, located in the northern part of Croatia, participated in the research. More precisely, 5 educators, 2 social workers and 1 psychologist participated. For the purpose of data collection, interviews were conducted with experts who obtained answers to two research questions. The results showed the circumstances that lead to self-injury in children without adequate parental care, which experts recognized through their work and experience. Circumstances they emphasized included the absence of regulation of unpleasant emotions, emotional relief, emotional overwhelm, search for identity, unfavorable family circumstances, bad relations with other users in the accommodation, the presence of complicated love relationships, the presence of seeking help, a means of manipulating the environment, exposure to cultural characteristics, mental health difficulties and individual factors, such as gender and age. Furthermore, the experts described their role in the case of child self-injury, emphasizing that their role consists of taking the first intervention, internal cooperation, self-initiated action, involving services outside of alternative care, working on the prevention of self-injury, using protocols and filling in records, and they also listed the factors that help and hinder them in performing their role in the case of a child's self-injury. The experience of experts has shown the increasingly frequent presence of self-injury in children without adequate parental care, as well as special forms of self-injury, but also that it is necessary to establish a relationship of trust with children, to instill in them a sense of security and to provide them with closeness to at least one adult, as well as accommodation with brother or sister. |