Title Hipoteka i njen upis u zemljišne knjige
Title (english) Hypothec and its entry into the land registry
Author Tea Šajnović
Mentor Marko Stilinović (mentor)
Committee member Marko Stilinović (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Kanceljak (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Saša Nikšić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Civil Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2023-07-10, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law
Abstract Dobrovoljno založno pravo koje se na stvari osniva bez predaje stvari vjerovniku u posjed i koje ga ne ovlašćuje da drži zalog u posjedu jest hipoteka. Hipoteka je vrsta založnog prava koje se, u pravilu, zasniva na nekretnini. Nekretnina mora biti u pravnom prometu i mora postojati mogućnost unovčenja. Radi osiguranja jedne tražbine može postojati zajednička (simultana) hipoteka, to znači da hipotekom može biti opterećeno i više nekretnina na različitim zemljišnoknjižnim ulošcima kao da su sve te nekretnine zajedno jedna stvar, jedan zalog. Hipoteka se upisuje u teretovnicu zemljišnoknjižnog uloška, nekretnine na kojoj se osniva zalog.
Postupak upisa hipoteke u zemljišne knjige vodi nadležno tijelo, odnosno mjesno nadležni općinski sud, na temelju ugovora o zalogu, sudskog zapisnika o osnivanju hipoteke ili na temelju javnobilježničke isprave. Nakon podnesenog zahtjeva nadležno tijelo provodi postupak upisa hipoteke u zemljišne knjige. Nakon postupka upisa sve informacije vezane za hipoteku, upisane u zemljišnoj knjizi, postaju javno dostupne.
U ovom radu se obrađuje tema založnog prava općenito, s posebnim naglaskom na hipoteci i njezinom upisu u zemljišne knjige. Razmatraju se različite vrste zemljišnoknjižnih upisa i uvjeti za upis hipoteke, kao i sadržaj takvog upisa. Također, opisane su ovlasti i dužnosti koje proizlaze iz založnog prava za hipotekarnog vjerovnika i hipotekarnog dužnika u vezi s založenom nekretninom. U radu se također raspravlja o postupku otpisa s prijenosom tereta i besteretnom otpisu hipoteke. Nadalje, obrađuje se tema nadhipoteke i detaljno se objašnjava prestanak založnog prava, namirenje osigurane tražbine i proces amortizacije.
Abstract (english) A voluntary lien that is established on matters without handing over property to the creditor and which does not entitle him to hold the pledge is a mortgage. A mortgage is a type of lien that, as a rule, is based on real estate. The property must be in legal circulation and there must be a possibility of liquidaton. In order to secure a single claim, there can be a common (simultaneous) mortgage, which means that the mortgage can be burdened with several properties on different land registry inserts as if all these properties together are one thing, one pledge. The mortgage is registered in the land registry office, the property on which the pledge is established.
Application for a mortgage in the land registry is conducted by the competent authority, i.e. the local competent Municipal Court, on the basis of the Pledge Agreement, the court record on the establishment of the mortgage or on the basis of a notarial document. Upon submission of the application, the competent authority shall carry out the procedure of registration of the mortgage in the land registry. After the registration process all information related to the mortgage, entered in the land registry, becomes publicly available.
This paper deals with the topic of lien in general, with a special emphasis on mortgage and its registration in the land registry. Different types of land registry entries and conditions for registration of the mortgage, as well as the content of such an entry, are considered. Also, the powers and duties arising from the lien for the mortgage creditor and the mortgage debtor in relation to the pledged immovable property are described. The paper also discusses the write-off procedure with load transfer and zero mortgage write-off. Furthermore, the subject of the supermortgage shall be addressed and a detailed explanation shall be given of the termination of the lien, the settlement of the secured claim and the depreciation process.
založno pravo
zajednička hipoteka
zemljišnoknjižno tijelo
Keywords (english)
bill of lading
joint mortgage
real estate
land registry
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:533749
Study programme Title: Public Administration Study programme type: professional Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave (stručni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) javne uprave)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2023-07-13 08:36:59