Abstract | Većina privatnopravnih instituta europsko-kontinentalnog pravnog kruga svoje porijeklo vuče iz rimskog prava – pa tako i oni pripadni hrvatskom privatnopravnom uređenjem. Posljedica je to dugotrajnog razvoja rimske države i prava te prihvaćanja, u srednjem i novom vijeku, rimskog prava umjesto partikularističkih normi feudalnog prava. U tom pogledu i obveznopravni odnos koji nastaje prilikom građenja određene građevine, danas – ugovor o građenju, svoje korijene ima u složenom rimskom ugovoru locatio conductio. U tom, za rimske pravnike jedinstvenom ugovoru, mogu se razlikovati tri po sadržaju bitno različite podvrste, jedna od kojih je i locatio conductio operis, preteča današnjem ugovoru o djelu. Okvir tog ugovora tiče se izvedbe nekog djela (opus), među ostalim gradnje kakve građevine, za koju se ima isplatiti određena naknada (merces certum). Uobičajeni prestanak obveza iz locatio conductio operis nastupao je obostranim ispunjenjem preuzetih obveza. Međutim, tijekom procesa izrade mogu se zbiti razne okolnosti koje mogu dovesti u pitanje finalizaciju djela pa je bitno odrediti koja je od ugovornih strana odgovorna za što i u kojim situacijama, odnosno na koga i kada prelazi rizik, a na koja su pitanja klasični pravnici, istovremeno diferencirajući više aspekata spomenutih pitanja, ostavili svoje komentare. Pojam vezan za razrješenje potonje dileme, a koji je od konstitutivnog značenja u pogledu građenja u rimskom pravu, bio je probatio operis. Radilo se o pregledu i odobrenju izvršenih građevinskih radova od strane naručitelja, nakon kojeg bi graditelj bio oslobođen odgovornosti, a na naručitelja bi pao teret eventualno kasnije pokazanih nedostataka građevine. Probatio je bio relevantan kod podjele rizika, pored termina vitium operis i vitium soli, odnosno vis naturalis i vis maior. I dan danas se inačice ovih pojmova, kao i sama narav ugovornog odnosa, mogu uočiti u suvremenom ugovoru o građenju koji je od rimskog doba stasao u samostalan, nominatan i formalan ugovor zahvaljujući svojoj složenosti i financijskoj važnosti. U hrvatskom pravnom okviru više je pravnih izvora kojima se uređuje, ili se može uređivati, ugovorni odnos povodom izvođenja građevinskih radova, a temeljni je Zakon o obveznim odnosima. Zakon propisuje da je jedan od bitnih sastojaka ovog ugovora cijena. Nju su strane slobodne sporazumno odrediti i mijenjati, uz određena kogentna ograničenja propisana ZOO-om u pogledu njene izmjene zbog promijenjenih okolnosti na tržištu. Odredbama ugovora o djelu, koje se supsidijarno primjenjuju kad je riječ o utvrđivanju odgovornosti, propisane su dužnosti i rokovi za ostvarivanje prava naručitelja u slučaju da je primio djelo s nedostatcima, kao i obveze izvođača s tim u vezi. Odgovornost izvođača međutim nije svedena samo na potonje odredbe, već je šira – obuhvaća i odgovornost, odnosno teret rizika za bitne nedostatke građevine te nedostatke u zemljištu. Konačno, nakon izvršene analize zakonskih odredbi i sudske prakse, može se zaključiti o značajnom utjecaju rimskih pravnih pravila na suvremeno uređenje ugovora o građenju. |
Abstract (english) | The majority of private law institutes in the civil law jurisdictions have their origins in Roman law – as well as those belonging to the Croatian private law system. This is a consequence of the long-term development of the Roman state and law, and also acceptance of Roman law instead of the particularistic norms of feudal law in the Middle and New Ages. In this regard, the contractual relation that arises during the construction of a certain building, today – the construction contract, has its roots in the complex Roman contract locatio conductio. From this contract, which was singular for Roman jurists, three subtypes with significantly different content were distinguished, one of which is locatio conductio operis, the forerunner of today's contract for work. The scope of that contract concerns the performance of a work (opus), among others the construction of building, for which a certain fee must be paid (merces certum). The usual termination of obligations from locatio conductio operis occurred upon mutual fulfilment of obligations. However, during the building, construction process, various circumstances can arise that may call into question the finalization of the work. In that sense it is important to determine which of the contractual parties is liable and under what circumstances, or, respectively, who bears the risk, to which questions the classical jurists left their comments, at the same time differentiating several aspects of the mentioned issues. The term related to the resolution of the latter dilemma, which has a constitutive meaning in terms of construction in Roman law, was the probatio operis. It concerned the examination and approval of the completed construction works by the commissioner, after which the builder would be released of his liability, and the commissioner would bear the damage from the defects in the building that may be shown only later. Probatio was relevant in terms of risk allocation in addition to the terms vitium operis and vitium soli, or vis naturalis and vis maior. Even today, versions of these concepts, as well as the very nature of the contractual relation, can be detected in the modern construction contract, which since the Roman era has become an independent, nominated and formal contract thanks to its complexity and financial importance. In the Croatian legal framework, there are several legal sources that regulate, or may regulate, the contractual relation regarding the execution of construction works – the fundamental one is the Obligations Act. The Act stipulates that one of the important elements of this agreement is the price. The parties are free to determine and change it by agreement, with certain mandatory restrictions prescribed by the Act regarding its modification due to changed circumstances on the market. The provisions of the contract for work, which are applied subsidiarily when it comes to determining liability, prescribe the duties and deadlines for exercising the commissioner's rights in the event that he received a defected work, as well as the contractor's obligations in this regard. However, the liability of the contractor is not limited only to the latter provisions, but is broader – it also includes liability, respectively the burden of risk for important defects in the building and fault in the soil. Finally, it can be concluded through the analysis of relevant statutory provisions and the judicature that the Roman legal rules on the construction contracts have exercised a significant influence in the contemporary regulation of the construction contract. |