Abstract | ,,Helikopter roditeljstvo’’ relativno je nov termin koji označava primjenu razvojno neprikladnih roditeljskih ponašanja koja daleko nadilaze stvarne potrebe adolescenata i mladih odraslih osoba (Segrin i sur., 2013.). S obzirom da se postojeća literatura na ovu temu uglavnom bavi štetnim posljedicama ovakvog odgojnog stila na mlade osobe, potrebno je proširiti istu prikazivanjem okolnosti koje doprinose roditeljskoj primjeni ovakvog odgojnog stila. Cilj ovog rada je, na temelju postojeće literature, prikazati različite čimbenike koji doprinose primjeni ,,helikopter roditeljstva’’ u odgoju mladih osoba te utvrditi povezanost ,,helikopter roditeljstva’’ s prilagodbom mladih osoba. Pregled recentne literature ukazuje na prisutnost brojnih čimbenika, kako na strani djeteta tako i na strani obitelji i roditelja, koji su povezani s primjenom prezaštitničkog roditeljskog stila. Osim o samim roditeljima i djeci, primjena ovog roditeljskog stila ovisi i o napretku tehnologije, ekonomskoj neizvjesnosti društva te promjenama u stilu života. Što se tiče povezanosti ,,helikopter roditeljstva’’ s prilagodbom mladih, rezultati nisu sasvim konzistentni. Neki autori ukazuju na određene prednosti ovakvog odgojnog stila, dok ga drugi asociraju isključivo s negativnim ishodima za mlade osobe. Međutim, iako je ponekad povezano s pozitivnim ishodima u razvoju mladih osoba, ,,helikopter roditeljstvo’’ ne bi se klasificiralo kao poželjno jer negativni ishodi ipak nadvladavaju pozitivne (LeMoyne i Buchanan, 2011.; Segrin i sur., 2013.). |
Abstract (english) | "Helicopter parenting" is a relatively new term that denotes the application of developmentally inappropriate parenting practices that far exceed the real needs of adolescents and young adults (Segrin et al., 2013.). Given that the existing literature on this topic mainly deals with the harmful consequences of this kind of upbringing style on young people, it is necessary to expand it by showing the circumstances that contribute to the parental application of this kind of upbringing style. The aim of this undergraduate thesis is, based on the existing literature, to present various factors that contribute to the application of "helicopter parenting" in the upbringing of young people and to determine the correlation between "helicopter parenting" and youth adjustment. A review of recent literature indicates the presence of numerous factors, both on the part of the child and on the part of the family and parents, which correlate with the application of an overprotective parenting style. In addition to the parents and children themselves, the usage of overprotective parenting style also depends on the progress of technology, the economic uncertainty of society and changes in lifestyle. As for the correlation between "helicopter parenting" and youth adjustment, the results are inconsistent. Some authors point to certain advantages of this parenting style, while others associate it with negative outcomes for young people. However, although this parenting style is sometimes associated with positive outcomes in the development of young people, "helicopter parenting" would not be classified as desirable because the negative outcomes outweigh the positive ones (LeMoyne & Buchanan, 2011.; Segrin et al., 2013.). |