Title Učinak siromaštva na zdravlje
Title (english) The Effect of Poverty on Health
Author Marija Puljko
Mentor Vanja Branica (mentor)
Committee member Vanja Branica (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Lucija Vejmelka (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Theory and Methods of Social Work) (Introduction to Social Work Theory) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-06-30, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities Specific Areas of Social Work
Abstract Cilj preglednog rada je istražiti kako život u siromaštvu utječe na zdravlje
pojedinaca kroz različita razvojna razdoblja tj. u cjeloživotnoj perspektivi. Život u
siromaštvu najnepovoljnije utječe na djecu koja su tada suočena s nizom problema u
tjelesnom i mentalnom zdravlju, ali i kognitivnim sposobnostima. Djeca su lošijeg
tjelesnog zdravlja, te imaju češće emocionalne poremećaje i poremećaje u ponašanju,
probleme u učenju te se češće rizično ponašaju. Djeca su u riziku ispadanja iz sustava
obrazovanja te, povezano s time, u riziku su obavljanja nedovoljno plaćenih poslova
koji imaju viši rizik opasnosti za njihovo zdravlje. Roditelji djece koja žive u
siromaštvu suočena su s lošijim mentalnim i tjelesnim zdravljem, ali i većoj razini
stresa i frustracija, što pak nepovoljno utječe na obiteljske odnose. Zbog niskog
stupnja obrazovanja, roditelji siromašne djece često nemaju materijalnih sredstava za
kupnju potrebnih lijekova za djecu. Roditelji koji žive u uvjetima siromaštva češće
koriste nasilne kazne, što također negativno utječe na mentalno zdravlje djece.
Siromaštvo kod djece i kod odraslih dovodi do učestalijeg obolijevanja od
kardiovaskularnih bolesti, ovisnosti, mentalnih poremećaja, dijabetesa, astme, raznih
ozljeda i malignih bolesti. Za rješavanje spomenutih problema potrebno je razviti
pristup koji mora osigurati kvalitetnu zdravstvenu uslugu dostupnu osobama u
Abstract (english) The aim of this review is to investigate the link between poverty and health,
as well as the effect of poverty on the health of individuals. The impact of poverty on
health has been shown through different developing periods of human beings in a
lifelong perspective. Poverty has the most adverse effect on children since children
are facing a range of problems, manifested in their physical and mental health, and
their cognitive abilities. The children are of poorer physical health and have frequently
more emotional and behavioural disorders, learning problems and are keen to act
riskier. Children are at risk of dropping out of the education system, which leads to
lower paid jobs that have a higher risk of being detrimental for their health. Poorer
parents cope with poor mental and physical health, but also higher levels of stress and
frustration, which negatively affect family relationships. Due to the low level of
education, poor parents do not often have the material means to purchase the
necessary medicines for their children. Parents that live in poverty use more violent
punishments that can cause poor mental health in their children. Poverty in general
leads to more frequent cardiovascular diseases, addictions, mental disorders,
diabetes, asthma, various injuries and malignant diseases. To address this issue, it is
necessary to develop an approach which will provide the quality and available service
to the people that live in poverty.Key words: poverty, health, child poverty, age differences, wellfare
Ključne riječi: siromaštvo
siromaštvo djece
dobne razlike
Keywords (english)
Key words: poverty
child poverty
age differences
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:826232
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: undergraduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada (sveučilišni/a prvostupnik/prvostupnica (baccalaureus/baccalaurea) socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-07-21 09:32:03