Title Kvaliteta života mladih s otoka Prvića
Title (english) Quality of Life of Youth from Island Prvić
Author Katarina Mikulandra
Mentor Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (mentor)
Committee member Linda Rajhvajn Bulat (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Ana Opačić (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nika Sušac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social Work Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2020-09-23, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Cilj ovog rada je dobiti uvid u kvalitetu ţivota mladih s otoka Prvića, a ispitala se preko subjektivne dobrobiti mladih i resursa zajednice. U istraţivanju je sudjelovalo 9 mladih osoba koji imaju prebivalište na otoku Prviću ili su ga imali u posljednje 3 godine. Podatci su prikupljeni putem polustrukturiranih intervjua, u razdoblju od svibnja do kolovoza 2020. godine. Rezultati su pokazali da mladi imaju dobre odnose s obitelji, partnerom/icom i prijateljima. Većinu svog vremena provode u
... More druţenju s njima, no voljeli bi da mogu provoditi više vremena s prijateljima nego što to rade. Uglavnom su zadovoljni stvarima koje posjeduju i financijskom situacijom, no većina iskazuje ţelju za promjenom radnog statusa. Ipak, zadovoljni su svojim trenutnim radnim okruţenjem. Kao najveću poteškoću ističu nemogućnost osamostaljenja i ţivot s roditeljima. Jedini mladi koji su se osamostalili, uspjeli su to učiniti na kopnu. Uglavnom percipiraju da imaju dovoljnu količinu izbora u ţivotu, ali smatraju kako bi veći izbor imali da ţive na kopnu. Što se tiče resursa zajednice, mladi vide otok kao mjesto koje ima više poteškoća i područja koja treba unaprijediti, nego resursa, no svejedno percipiraju ţivot na otoku kao nešto pozitivno, te ga preferiraju više od ţivota na kopnu. Oni mladi koji su naveli da planiraju otići s otoka, su takoĎer rekli kada bi se počelo više ulagati u otok da bi ostali ili se vratili tu ţivjeti. TakoĎer, rad se dotiče i subjektivne dobrobiti mladih u razdoblju pojave Covid-19, gdje mladi ističu kako je taj dogaĎaj imao nekih negativnih posljedica na njihovu dobrobit, ali smatraju da je izoliranost otoka te uključenost u zajednicu i odrţavanje veza s ostalim otočanima olakšalo suočavanje s novonastalom situacijom. Nalazi istraţivanja mogu biti od koristi drţavnim resorima prilikom kreiranja politika za mlade i otočkih politika, ali i za planiranje odreĎenih intervencija za ublaţavanje posljedica Covid-a. Less
Abstract (english) The aim of this study is to gain insight into the quality of life of youth from island Prvić, which was examined through subjective well-being and community resources. In the research participated 9 young people that have residence on the island Prvić, or they have had it in the last 3 years. The data was collected trough a semi-structured interview in the period from May to August 2020. The results showed that young people have good relationships with their family, partner and friends.
... More They spend most of their time hanging out with them, but they wish they could spend more time with their friends than they do. They are generally satisfied with the things they own and their financial situation, but most express a desire to change their employment status. However, they are satisfied with their current work environment. The greatest difficulty that stands out is the impossibility of independence and living
with their parents. The only young people who became independent managed to do it on land. Tthey generally perceive that they have a sufficient amount of choice in life, but feel that they would have a greater choice, if they lived on the land. In terms of community resources, young people see the island as a place that has more difficulties and areas to improve than resources, but still perceives island life as something positive, and prefers it over life on land. Those young people who said they are planning to leave the island also said if more investment in the island would be made, that they would stay or return to live there. The study also refers on subjective well-being of youth in the times of Covid-19 appearance, where young people point out that the event had some negative consequences for their well-being, but believe that the isolation of the island, their involvement in the community and maintaining relations with other islanders have made it easier for them to cope with the new situation. The findings of the research can be useful for state departments in creating youth and island policies, but also for planning certain interventions that aim at mitigating the consequences of Covid-19. Less
kvaliteta ţivota
subjektivna dobrobit
resursi zajednice
Keywords (english)
quality of life
subjective well-being
community resources
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:126785
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-02-19 23:25:32