Abstract | Produljenje životnog vijeka i poboljšanje životnih uvjeta rezultiralo je povećanjem broja starijih osoba u društvu, koji spadaju u ranjivu društvenu skupinu. Preopterećenost smještajnih kapaciteta ustanova za skrb starijih osoba, nedostatak profesionalnog osoblja zaposlenog u tim ustanovama, njihova preopterećenost te nedostatak financijskih resursa uvjetovali su pojavu novih oblika skrbi za starije osobe. Kao odgovor na navedene probleme javlja se izvaninstitucionalni oblik skrbi, a u njegovu središtu se nalaze volonteri. Cilj ovog rada je, temeljem pregleda literature, dobiti uvid u ulogu volontera u skrbi za starije osobe, u oblike skrbi i podrške koju pružaju volonteri, izazove s kojima se mogu susresti volonteri u svome radu sa starijim osobama te se kritički reflektirati na praksu volontera u radu sa starijim osobama temeljem dosadašnjih spoznaja o navedenom. U radu se osvrće na značenje i definicije pojma volontiranja, povijesnim začetcima volontiranja i njegovom razvoju u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sagledava se policy okvir volontiranja u RH te se volontiranje svrstava među postojeće oblike skrbi o starijim osobama. Za razliku od volontiranja na drugim društvenim područjima, volontiranje u skrbi za starije osobe manje je istraženo i proučavano područje te je važno identificirati problem i senzibilizirati javnost o ovoj praksi koja donosi višestruke koristi, kako za korisnike i zaposleno osoblje, tako i za volontere same. Volonteri kao nepristrana strana između korisnika, obitelji korisnika i stručnjaka pružaju novi osvježeni pogled na skrb starijih osoba, preuzimaju aktivnu ulogu u skrbi i predstavljaju važnu komponentu u poboljšavanju i održavanju psihofizičkog zdravlja starijih osoba. Volonteri u radu sa starijim osobama surađuju sa stručnjacima drugih profesija te se formuliraju multidisciplinarni timovi, koji su zbog holističke perspektive neizostavan čimbenik za pružanje intervencija i preventivnih usluga u radu s osobama treće životne dobi. |
Abstract (english) | The increase in life expectancy and the improvement of living conditions have resulted in an increase in the number of older people in the society, who belong to a vulnerable social group. The overcrowding of the elderly care facilities, the lack of professional staff employed in these institutions, their overload and lack of financial resources have led to the emergence of new forms of care for the elderly. In response to these problems, an extra-institutional form of care has emerged, with volunteers at its center. The aim of this paper is to, based on the studied literature, gain an insight into the role of volunteers in care of the elderly, the forms of care and support provided by volunteers, the challenges that they may encounter in their work, and to reflect critically on volunteer practice in care for the elderly on the basis of previous knowledge about the above. The paper discusses the meaning and definitions of the concept of volunteering, its historical beginnings and its development in the Republic of Croatia. It also considers the legal framework for volunteering in the Republic of Croatia and lists volunteering as one of the existing forms of care for the elderly. Unlike volunteering in other social areas, volunteering in the care of the elderly is a less researched and studied area. Therefore, it is important to identify the problem and sensitize the public to this practice that provides multiple benefits for its users, the staff, and the volunteers alike. Volunteers as an impartial side between beneficiaries, beneficiaries' families and professionals, provide a new and fresh view of the care of the elderly, take an active role in the care and represent an important component in improving and maintaining both the physical and psychological well-being of the elderly. Volunteers in the care of the elderly cooperate with professionals in other fields, and thus multidisciplinary teams are formulated, which, from a holistic perspective, are an indispensable factor in providing interventions and preventative services in working with the elderly. |