Abstract | Međunarodna federacija inženjera konzultanata (franc. Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Conseils; engl. the International Federation of Consulting Engineers) FIDIC osnovana je u srpnju 1913. godine s ciljem promicanja kvalitete, integriteta i održivosti u graditeljstvu s posebnim naglaskom na važnost zaštite projekta i prepoznatljivost kvalitete usluge koju na međunarodnoj razini pružaju nezavisni inženjeri konzultanti. FIDIC Uvjeti Ugovora uređuju područje građevinskog prava i sastoje se od Općih i Posebnih Uvjeta koji predstavljaju međunarodni standard ugovaranja za građevinske i inženjerske radove. U posljednjih desetak godina primjenjuju se u Republici Hrvatskoj prilikom zaključenja ugovora o izvođenju radova na projektima sufinanciranim zajmovima međunarodnih banaka kao i na projektima sufinanciranim sredstvima fondova Europske unije. U radu se analiziraju specifičnosti u primjeni navedenih pravila u odnosu na odgovarajuće odredbe Zakona o obveznim odnosima. FIDIC Opći Uvjeti Ugovora objavljeni su u seriji knjiga pod nazivom „Rainbow Suite“ koji, ovisno o potrebama projekta, ugovornim stranama pružaju sadržaj potreban za zaključenje ugovora. Crvena knjiga sadrži Uvjete Ugovora o građenju za građevinske i inženjerske radove prema projektu naručitelja, Žuta sadrži Uvjete Ugovora za postrojenja, projektiranje i građenje za elektrotehničke i strojarske, građevinske i inženjerske radove prema projektu izvođača, Srebrna sadrži Uvjete Ugovora za izvođenje radova prema modelu „ključ u ruke“ itd. U radu se razmatraju i odredbe Uvjeta Ugovora u pogledu primjene višeslojnih klauzula za rješavanje sporova. Daje se osvrt na obvezu provođenja prethodnog postupka pred stalnim i ad hoc Vijećima za rješavanje sporova, analizira se razlika pravne prirode takvog postupka u odnosu na postupak mirenja i arbitraže. Razmatra se relevantnost odluka Vijeća za rješavanje sporova, koje po svojoj prirodi mogu biti obvezujuće i konačne ili samo obvezujuće, te se analizira i njihova dokazna snaga u arbitražnom postupku. U zaključnom razmatranju naglašavaju se promjene koje donose novi Uvjeti Ugovora Crvene, Žute i Srebrne knjige, drugo izdanje, objavljeni 2017. godine, kao i novosti propisane njihovim amandmanima objavljenima 2022. godine. Dodatno se naglašavaju prednosti rješavanja sporova povjerenih visoko kvalificiranim pojedincima pravne i tehničke struke koji svojim znanjem i iskustvom u primjeni FIDIC modela ugovora zasigurno jamče uspješniju provedbu građevinskih projekata. |
Abstract (english) | The International Federation of Consulting Engineers (French: Fédération Internationale des Ingénieurs Conseils) FIDIC was established in July 1913 with the aim of promoting quality, integrity and sustainability in construction with a special emphasis on the importance of project protection and recognition of the quality services provided internationally by independent consulting engineers. The FIDIC Conditions of Contract regulate the area of construction law and consist of General and Special Conditions that represent the international contracting standard for construction and engineering works. In the last ten years, they have been applied in the Republic of Croatia when concluding contracts for the performance of works on projects co-financed by loans from international banks, as well as on projects co-financed by European Union funds. This paper analyses the specifics in the application of the mentioned rules in relation to the corresponding provisions of the Law on Obligations. The FIDIC General Conditions of Contract are published in a series of books called the "Rainbow Suite" which, depending on the needs of the project, provide the contracting parties with the content necessary to conclude a contract. The Red Book contains the Conditions of Contract for Construction for building and engineering works according to the client's project, the Yellow Book contains the Conditions of Contract for plants, design and building for electrotechnical and mechanical, building and engineering works according to the contractor's project, the Silver Book contains the Conditions of Contract for the execution of works according to the "Turnkey" model, etc. The paper also considers the provisions of the Conditions of Contract regarding the application of multi-level clauses for resolving disputes. The obligation to conduct a preliminary procedure before permanent and ad hoc Dispute Resolution Councils is reviewed, and the difference in the legal nature of such a procedure in relation to conciliation and arbitration procedures is analysed. The relevance of the decisions of the Dispute Resolution Council, which by their nature may be binding and final or merely binding, is considered, and their evidentiary power in arbitration proceedings is also analysed. The concluding discussion highlights the changes
brought about by the new Conditions of Contract of the Red, Yellow and Silver Book, second edition, published in 2017, as well as the novelties prescribed by their amendments published in 2022. Additionally, the advantages of resolving disputes entrusted to highly qualified individuals of the legal and technical profession, who with their knowledge and experience in the application of the FIDIC contract model, certainly guarantee a more successful implementation of construction projects, are emphasized. |