Abstract | Cilj je ovog istraživanja bio da se polazeći od teorijskog četverodimenzionalnog modela ljudske
egzistencije (Deurzen, 2009.) opiše i bolje razumije korištenje svjetonazora supervizora u
superviziji iz egzistencijalne perspektive. Svrha je polučiti nove spoznaje koje će pridonijeti
proširenju razvojno-integrativnog modela supervizije temom svjetonazora. U ovom kvalitativnom
istraživanju sudjelovalo je petnaest supervizora, od toga četiri supervizora u području psihoterapije,
sedam supervizora u području psihosocijalnog rada te četiri supervizora i u području
psihosocijalnog rada i u području psihoterapije. Supervizori su u ovom istraživanju temeljem
četverodimenzionalnog modela (fizička, društvena, osobna i univerzalna dimenzija) ljudske
egzistencije opisali vlastiti svjetonazor. Rezultati su pokazali da se u pomažućem odnosu
supervizori ne pojavljuju samo kao stručnjaci već u supervizijski susret dolaze i sa svojim
kognicijama, emocionalnim i životnim iskustvom, odnosno svjetonazorom. Način na koji
supervizori pokazuju svoj svjetonazor tijekom procesa supervizije opisan je u pet kategorija:
relacijska perspektiva, dijaloška perspektiva, refleksivna svjesnost selfa, fenomenološka
perspektiva i metodska perspektiva. Može se zaključiti da je svjetonazor supervizora uvijek
prisutan i vidljiv eksplicitno ili implicitno ili na oba načina istovremeno. Način na koji se
supervizori koriste svojim svjetonazorom u superviziji opisan je u šest kategorija: etičko ponašanje,
proširenje supervizije dimenzijama svjetonazora, relacijska usmjerenost, profesionalna primjena
vlastitog komunikacijskog stila, svjesnost i humanistička perspektiva. Primjena
četverodimenzionalnog modela ljudske egzistencije u superviziji može nadograditi kompetencijski
okvir, odnosno kompetenciju profesionalnog identiteta i profesionalnog ponašanja supervizora
onako kako to navodi Europski kompetencijski okvir (Ajduković i sur., 2018.) i to na više nivoa:
dodatnim unaprjeđivanjem profesionalnog stava supervizora kroz razvoj refleksivnosti, integraciju
teorije i prakse i toleriranje neodređenosti. Prema rezultatima ovog istraživanja može se zaključiti
da se svjetonazor razvija međudjelovanjem životnog i profesionalnog iskustva te osobnom i
profesionalnom integracijom. |
Abstract (english) | The goal of this research was to describe and better understand the worldview of supervisors and
experts in the helping professions in supervision from an existential perspective, starting from the
theoretical four-dimensional model of human existence (Deurzen, 2009). By conducting qualitative
research, the goal was to obtain new knowledge that will contribute to the expansion of the
developmentally integrative supervision model on the topic of worldview. Fifteen supervisors
participated in this research, four supervisors were psychotherapy supervisors, seven supervisors
were psychosocial supervisors and four supervisors were both psychosocial and psychotherapy
supervisors. Supervisors in this research described their own worldview within the framework of
these four dimensions using the four-dimensional model of human existence: physical, social,
personal and universal dimensions. The results showed that in the helping relationship supervisors
do not appear only as experts, but also come to the supervisory meeting with their emotional and
life experience, that is, their worldview. Supervisors demonstrate their worldview during the
supervision process through five categories: relational perspective, dialogic perspective, reflective
self-awareness, phenomenological perspective and methodical perspective. The participants gave
the most information about the presentation of worldviews within the relational and dialogic
perspective, which indicates that the worldview is most clearly shown in the relationship and
dialogue between the supervisor and the supervisee, that is, the helper and the user. The finding
that supervisors show their worldview agrees with the research of Ladany and Lehrman-Waterman
(1999; according to Boyle and Kenny, 2020) in which 91% of respondents of therapy education
participants stated that their supervisors self-discovered during supervision, and it can be to state
that supervisors also show some parts of their worldview, not only through self-disclosure but also
in other ways shown in the terms of the categories of this topic. The results show that the supervisor
cannot be and is not an objective participant in the supervisory process, but brings personal content
into that process, which is partially seen and shown. It can also be concluded that the worldview
of the helper in the helping process is always present and visible either explicitly or implicitly or
in both ways at the same time. According to the results of this research, also it can be concluded
that supervisors use their worldview during the supervision process even though they are not fully
aware of it.
Worldview is used through six categories: ethical behavior, extension of supervision with
worldview dimensions, relational orientation, professional application of own communication
style, awareness and humanistic perspective. The participants gave the most information about the
use of worldviews in the category called ethical behavior, and then in the category extension of
supervision with worldview dimensions, which indicates that the use of worldviews is most clearly
recognized in the ethical perspective (but also in the relational orientation, which is the third in
terms of content category) and that supervision using the worldview through its four dimensions
can be extended by the four-dimensional model of human existence (Deurzen, 1980; according to
Langdridge, 2013) in its theory and practical application. The application of the four-dimensional
worldview model in supervision can increase supervisors' competences for professional behavior,
especially the competence of structuring processes (through increased awareness of the importance
of applying phenomenology), awareness of diversity through continuous reflection, but also
competences of professional identity, such as the integration of theory and practice (humanistic,
existential and phenomenological theories and theories of supervision) and tolerating uncertainty
through trust in the process. According to the results of this research, it can be concluded that the
worldview develops through the interaction of life and professional experience and through
personal and professional integration. Supervision, education and worldview intertwine and
permeate each other during development, just like life experience, supervision and worldview, and
it can be described by a circular model of mutual influence of self, behavior and experience
(Koltko-Rivera, 2004) (...I say it is intertwined, I can no longer separate it. (s14psr)). The
development of the worldview results in the integration of personal and professional, which enables
the achievement of higher levels of supervisor development. This research brought new knowledge
that contributes to the expansion of the developmental-integrative model of supervision on the topic
of worldview. This doctoral work critically integrated two theoretical models, the model of
developmental-integrative supervision and the four-dimensional model of human existence, thus
enriching the theoretical conceptualization of developmental-integrative supervision, and this
reflects his scientific contribution. In other words, the application of the four-dimensional model
of existence enriches the supervision process, and that on several levels. The first level is the
working of the four-dimensional model in order to increase the supervisor's awareness and his
supervisory competences. The second level is the application of the four-dimensional model in
supervision with supervisees in order to increase their awareness of themselves and their work with
users. The third level is the use of the four-dimensional model in working with users, where it can
serve as a guide for experts in the helping professions to assess which areas they perceive and
which they do not perceive in working with their users, and thus can increase their assessment and
treatment. The fourth level is an expanded, upgraded metaperspective of supervision, created as a
result of the existential-humanistic phenomenological approach through the use of the above
model. This research showed that it will be necessary to develop and implement social sensitivity,
tolerance towards the weak and awareness of helping in the educational programs of experts in
helping professions, especially psychotherapy and supervision. The findings imply that it would be
useful to further strengthen the work on the development of tolerance towards the weak in other
professions, and these teachings should be more strongly implemented in all other educational
programs of helpers, especially psychotherapy and supervision. |