Title Neformalna skrb za starije osobe u Hrvatskoj
Title (english) Informal care for the elderly in Croatia
Author Mateja Novosel
Mentor Danijel Baturina (mentor)
Committee member Danijel Baturina (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Zoran Šućur (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Ivana Dobrotić (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Methodology of Research in Social Work and Social Polici) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2024-09-27, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Proces koji obilježava demografske promjene u Hrvatskoj je ubrzano starenje stanovništva. Sa starenjem stanovništva dolazi do potrebe pružanja dugotrajne skrbi starijim i nemoćnim osobama. Nedostatak smještajnih kapaciteta u domovima za starije i nemoćne i njihova prenapučenost dovode u pitanje kako će izgledati skrb za starije u budućnosti. Skrb za ostarjelog člana obitelji najčešće pada na primarnu obitelj. Skrb unutar obitelji ili neformalna skrb ima brojne pozitivne i negativne strane, no ponekad je jedina opcija. Cilj je ovog rada, pregledom dostupne literature, dobiti uvid u zastupljenost neformalne skrbi za starije u Hrvatskoj, koje su karakteristike i izazovi. Svrha je spoznati važnost neformalnih pružatelja skrbi i složenost njihove uloge u ovakvom obliku skrbi. Demografski, zdravstveni i socijalni trendovi ukazuju da će se potreba za dugotrajnom skrbi u svim zemljama Europske unije povećavati, da formalna skrb neće moći podmirivati rastuće potrebe, te je stoga neophodno osnaživati neformalnu skrb kako bi sustavi zdravstvene i socijalne skrbi ostali održivi. Brojni radovi i istraživanja govore da obitelj još uvijek ima glavnu ulogu u brizi za starije osobe u Hrvatskoj, stoga je potrebno pronaći i stvarati mehanizme koji bi olakšali svakodnevnicu neformalnim pružateljima skrbi. U radu je utvrđeno da su neformalni pružatelji skrbi suočeni s brojnim izazovima (kako uskladiti plaćeni posao i neformalnu skrb, doći do financija, informacija o pravima i uslugama koje su im dostupne, kako ostvariti edukacije o pružanju skrbi) te im je potrebno omogućiti financijsku, zatim praktičnu, stručnu pomoć oko njege za starije osobe, ali i pomoć njima samima, jer teret skrbi utječe na njihovo zdravlje. Hrvatska je krenula s relevantnim koracima kroz osmišljavanje programa i učinkovitih politika koje se bave ovim izazovima, no zaostaje po pitanju provedbe u odnosu na druge zemlje, te se stvarni učinci tek trebaju vidjeti. Starima i nemoćnima potrebno je pružiti kvalitetnu skrb u njihovu domu, a da njihovi pružatelji skrbi pritom ne „sagore“ do kraja.
Abstract (english) The process that marks the demographic changes in Croatia is the accelerated aging of the population. With the aging of the population comes the need to provide long-term care to the elderly and infirm. The lack of accommodation capacity in homes for the elderly and infirm and their overcrowding, call into question what care for the elderly look like in the future. Caring for an elderly family member ussually falls to the primary family. Care within the family or informal care has many positives and negatives ,but sometimes it is the only option. The aim of this paper is to gain an insight into the representation of informal care for the elderly in Croatia, what are the characteristics and challenges, by reviewing the available literature. The purpose is to understand the importance of informal care providers and the complexity of their role in this form of care. Demographic, health and social trends indicate that the need for long-term care in all European Union countries will increase, that formal care will not be able to meet the growing needs, and therefore it is necessary to strengthen informal care in order for health and social care systems to remain sustainable. Numerous papers and research show that the family still plays the main role in caring for the elderly in Croatia, and therefore it is necessary to find and create mechanisms that would make everyday life easier for informal care providers. The paper found that informal care providers are faced with numerous challenges (how to balance paid work and informal care, access to finances, information about rights and services available to them, how to provide education on providing care) and it is necessary to provide them with financial, then practical, professional help with care for the elderly, but also help for them themselves, because the burden of care affects their health. Croatia has taken relevant steps trough the design of programs and effective policies that deal with these challenges, but lags behind in terms of implementation compared to other countries, and the real effects have yet to be seen. The elderly and infirm need to be provided with quality care in their homes, without their care providers burning out.
dugotrajna skrb
neformalna skrb
neformalni pružatelji skrbi
starije i nemoćne osobe
izazovi neformalne skrbi
podrška neformalnim pružateljima skrbi
Keywords (english)
long-term care
informal care
informal care providers
elderly and infirm people
challenges of informal care
support for informal care providers
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:226082
Study programme Title: Social Policy Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: sveučilišni magistar/magistrica socijalne politike (sveučilišni magistar/magistrica socijalne politike)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Open access
Terms of use
Created on 2024-10-02 09:06:34