Abstract | Ovaj rad bavi se ugovorom o ostavi (depositum) u rimskom pravu i njegovom usporedbom s ugovorom o ostavi u suvremenom hrvatskom pravu. Rad prikazuje razvoj deposituma od početne prijateljske usluge koja se temeljila na poštenju stranaka i nije bila pravno zaštićena do pravno priznatog i zaštićenog ugovora putem odgovarajućih mehanizama pravne zaštite. Smatra se da je ugovor razvijen na temelju fiducije cum amico, no čuvanje stvari kao poseban pravni odnos koji bi nastao u posebnim okolnostima poznavao je i Zakonik XII ploča koji je u slučaju povrede tog odnosa predviđao posebnu tužbu in duplum. Sam odnos je dignut na razinu ugovora djelatnošću pretora koji je ediktom uveo odgovarajuće tužbe. U radu su detaljnije obrađeni navedeni razvoj, kao i pitanja mogućih predmeta ugovora te njegove karakteristike. Na čuvanje su se mogle predati samo pokretne stvari, i to nezamjenljive stvari jer su se za čuvanje nekretnina rabili drugi ugovori. Rimski depositum bio je realni, nepotpuno dvostrano obvezujući ugovor bonae fidei, a u klasično doba i besplatni ugovor, s tim da se kasnije u Justinijanovom pravu to ograničenje napušta. Tu je potrebno naglasiti razliku u odnosu na suvremeni ugovor o ostavi koji je konsenzualan, a može biti besplatan i naplatan. U radu se također obrađuju prava, obveze i odgovornost ugovornih stranaka, s naglaskom na načelo utiliteta, prema kojem stranka koja ima korist od ugovora odgovara za svaku krivnju i nemarnost, a stranka koja nema korist od ugovora za dolus i culpu latu. Nadalje, obrađeni su i posebni oblici ostave kako u rimskom tako i u suvremenom hrvatskom pravu. U rimskom pravu to su bili depositum miserabile, depositum irregulare i depositum in sequestrem, a u suvremenom pravu neprava ostava, ostava u nuždi i ugostiteljska ostava glede kojih vidimo utjecaj rimskog deposituma jer unatoč tome što među njima postoje razlike, zadržana su brojna zajednička obilježja. Također treba istaknuti glede ugostiteljske ostave, koja nema para među posebnim oblicima rimske ostave, da je možemo poistovjetiti s rimskim institutom koji je regulirao odgovornost brodara, gostioničara i vlasnika staja za štetu na stvarima putnika, iako je područje primjene pravila o ugostiteljskoj ostavi puno šire jer obuhvaća osim ugostiteljskog objekta i razne prostore poput kina, kazališta i bolnica i sličnih prostora. |
Abstract (english) | This paper deals with contract of deposit (depositum) in Roman law and its comparison with the contract of deposit in contemporary Croatian law. Paper shows its development from initial friendly service which was based on the honesty of the parties and was not legally protected, to a legally recognized and protected contract through appropriate mechanisms of legal protection. It is considered to have been developed on the basis of the fiducia cum amico, although the safekeeping in special circumstances was also known to the Laws of the Twelve Tables, which in the case of violation of this relationship provided special lawsuit in duplum. The social relationship has been elevated to the rank of a contract through the activity of praetor who introduced appropriate actions in his edict. Also, there are analysed in more detail the possible objects of the contract and its characteristics. Only movable things could be handed over for safekeeping and also irreplaceable things because other contracts were used for the safekeeping of immovable things. The Roman deposit was real, incomplete bilateral contract bonae fidei, which was in classical era gratuitous contract, but that limitation was abandoned in Justinian's law. Here, it is necessary to emphasize the difference compared to the contemporary contract of deposit which is consensual contract and it could be gratuitous and onerous contract. The paper also discusses rights, obligations and liability of the parties with an emphasis on the principle of utility, according to which the party who has benefits from the contract is responsible for any fault and negligence, and the party who does not benefit from the contract is responsible for dolus and culpa lata. Furthermore, special cases of deposit are examined both in Roman and contemporary Croatian law. In Roman law, these were depositum miserabile, depositum irregulare and depositum in sequestrem and in contemporary law there are deposit in need, irregular deposit and innkeepers’ liability regarding which we see the influence of the Roman deposit because despite some differences between them, there are a lot of common features. Also, we should stress concerning the innkeepers’ liability, which does not have a corresponding pair in the special forms of depositum, that it can be identified with the Roman institute that regulated liability of shipowners, innkeepers and stall owners for damages on passenger’s things, but its application is much wider because it includes not only the catering facility but also various spaces such as cinemas, theatres, hospitals and similar spaces. |