Abstract | Rad se bavi definicijom i razlikovanjem pojedinačnih akata javnopravnih tijela od upravnih akata, posebno ističući pravo na pošteno suđenje u kontekstu Ustava Republike Hrvatske (Narodne novine, broj 56/90, 135/97, 113/00, 28/01, 76/10 i 5/14) i Konvencije za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda (Narodne novine - Međunarodni ugovori broj 18/97, 6/99 - pročišćeni tekst, 8/99 - ispravak, 14/02, 1/06 i 13/17). Proučava se zakonodavni okvir sudske kontrole pojedinačnih akata, analizirajući relevantne zakone i propise koji reguliraju tu kontrolu. Rad također donosi analizu prakse Ustavnog suda Republike Hrvatske, nudeći primjere gdje su utvrđene povrede prava na pristup sudu u slučajevima poput državnih potpora u poljoprivredi, imenovanja i razrješenja članova upravnih vijeća u ustanovama te obnove zgrada nakon poplave. Posebna pažnja posvećena je primjeru u kojem Ustavni sud nije utvrdio povredu prava na pristup sudu jer podnositelj nije iskoristio redoviti pravni lijek. U radu se obrađuje i sudska praksa ocjene ustavnosti zakona i ustavnosti i zakonitosti drugih propisa, ističući neustavnost Pravilnika o provedbi mjere 202 - "Priprema i provedba lokalnih strategija ruralnog razvoja" unutar IPARD programa (Narodne novine, broj 24/13, 36/13, 112/13, 45/14 i 132/14) kojeg je donio Ministar poljoprivrede i odredaba Zakona o poljoprivredi (Narodne novine, broj 118/18). |
Abstract (english) | The paper deals with the definition and differentiation of individual acts of public authorities from administrative acts, emphasizing the right to a fair trial in the context of the Constitution of the Republic of Croatia (Official Gazette, numbers 56/90, 135/97, 113/00, 28/01, 76/10, and 5/14) and the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (Official Gazette - International Treaties number 18/97, 6/99 - consolidated text, 8/99 - correction, 14/02, 1/06, and 13/17). It examines the legislative framework of judicial control over individual acts, analyzing relevant laws and regulations that govern such control. The paper also provides an analysis of the case law of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Croatia, offering examples where violations of the right to access to the courts have been established in cases such as state aid in agriculture, appointments and dismissals of members of administrative boards in institutions, and the reconstruction of buildings after a flood. Special attention is given to an example in which the Constitutional Court did not find a violation of the right to access to the courts because the petitioner did not use the regular legal remedy. The paper also discusses the case law of assessing the constitutionality of laws and the constitutionality and legality of other regulations, highlighting the unconstitutionality of the Regulation on the Implementation of Measure 202 - "Preparation and Implementation of Local Strategies for Rural Development" within the IPARD program (Official Gazette, numbers 24/13, 36/13, 112/13, 45/14, and 132/14) adopted by the Minister of Agriculture and the provisions of the Agriculture Act (Official Gazette, number 118/18). |