Abstract | Cilj ovog rada je prikazati kaznenopravnu zaštitu životinja u hrvatskom pravnom
sustavu. Kroz povijest, životinje su imale status objekta, odnosno puke pokretne stvari, a tek u
razdoblju prosvjetiteljstva se taj pogled na životinje počeo mijenjati. Prave promjene u
području zaštite prava i dobrobiti životinja počinju polovinom dvadesetog stoljeća. Jedan od
prvih važnih međunarodnih akata s područja zaštite prava životinja je Međunarodna
konvencija za zaštitu ptica koja je usvojena u Parizu ... More 1950. godine. Nakon te konvencije
uslijedile su brojne druge konvencije iz oblasti ekologije koje su stavile pod zaštitu brojne
biljne i životinjske vrste. Smisao tih konvencija nije bio da štite životinje kao takve, već
doprinesu ostvarivanju ekoloških i ekonomskih interesa ljudi. Usprkos tome, one
predstavljaju značajne temelje na kojima se razvija važeća međunarodna regulativa iz oblasti
zaštite životinja. Iako su države anglo - saksonskog sustava prednjačile u zaštiti prava
životinja, u Europi je krajem dvadesetog stoljeća izuzetno poraslo zanimanje za tu
problematiku te su stoga europske države svojim ustavima i zakonima u mnogočemu
nadmašile svoje prethodnice. U radu je temeljito obrađena kaznenopravna zaštita životinja u
hrvatskom pravnom sustavu koja je svoje zakone uvelike uskladila s propisima Europske
unije. Osim zakonskog prikaza u području zaštite životinja, analizirane su osobe koje su
najčešći počinitelji kaznenog djela ubijanja ili mučenja životinja te kriminološko - psihološki
profil počinitelja i uzročno - posljedični odnos počinitelja i samog kaznenog djela. Životinje
kao osjetilna bića, što je znanstveno dokazano, zaslužuju bolji tretman nego što ga imaju u
zakonima, i potrebno je osigurati njihovu kaznenopravnu zaštitu izvan Glave XX. kojom se
štite ekološka kaznena djela. Također, potrebno je uskladiti djelovanje pravosudnih organa i
policije te inzistirati na provođenju zakona i ozbiljniji pristup kaznenom djelu ubijanja i
mučenja životinja. Less |
Abstract (english) | Animals have always been one of the faithful companions of man through life. Whichever country in the world we look at, there will always be some connection with
animals. They follow us through teachings, biology, science, movies, books and games. We
are surrounded by thousands of species of animals, tame or wild, exotic or unexplored, and
our world is actually made up of a community of humans and all other living beings. Although the beginnings of man's relationship with animals began ... More cruelly, through time and
changes in consciousness and moral principles, the relationship changed and progressed. Animals have become something more than the beings we feed on - they have become an
active part of human life, companions, friends and family members. The aim of this paper is the Criminal protection of animals in the Croatian legal
system, but this analysis would not be possible without other references. To understand how long it took for the issue of animal protection to become important, it was necessary to have a brief look at the historical periods of the Old, Middle and New
Ages, in which animals were only an object. Before the real fight for the protection of animal rights, there were always famous
people who advocated animal rights with their works and way of life, such as Pythagoras, Leonardo da Vinci, David Bentham, Henry David Thoreau, Mark Twain, Mahatma Gandhi, Nikola Tesla, Albert Einstein and many others. At the beginning of the twentieth century, during the first decades and the realization
that the survival of mankind is not possible without a healthy and preserved environment, a
large number of international conventions of universal and regional scope were adopted, dealing with various environmental issues. Thus, through the adoption of conventions in the
field of ecology, the international community has placed under protection many plant and
animal species. The purpose of these conventions was not to protect animals as such, but to
contribute to the realization of environmental and economic interests of people. Nevertheless, they represent a significant foundation on which the current international regulations in the
field of animal protection are being developed.
In addition to international conventions, the paper also presents European conventions, regulations and directives that are the basis for the adoption of a quality national animal
protection program. Although the states of Anglo-Saxon law were the first to start the struggle for the
protection of animal rights, in Europe at the end of the 20th century this struggle took the
form of a revolution. Many countries, such as Germany and Switzerland, have incorporated
into their constitutions the importance of animals as sentient beings. However, the question arises as to whether this is really the case in practice. Unfortunately, it turned out that theory and practice were not always in harmony, so the issue
of law enforcement came to the fore. Apart from the Republic of Croatia, which does not have
bad laws, but they are not implemented, the same is true for many other developed European
countries. Therefore, the problem is not the lack of laws, but the institutions of supervision, ie
supervisory mechanisms. To make it easier for courts to understand the significance of the crime of killing and
torturing animals, animals should be in a separate chapter, not in the chapter on environmental
protection, simply because animals are sentient beings. The paper also analyzes the persons who are the most common perpetrators of the
crime of killing or torturing animals, and the criminological - psychological profile of the
perpetrator and the cause - effect relationship between the perpetrator and the crime itself. The hypothesis of the fact that there is an unacceptable gap between the legal
regulations on animal protection and the application of their provisions in practice by the
criminal courts of the Republic of Croatia has been proven throughout the paper. In Croatian criminal law, only man and other basic social values have the status of
objects of protection, and animals can only be objects of action of individual criminal offenses, but not objects of protection that need to be changed. It is extremely important that through the education system and media, with the
support of competent state bodies, but also through the activism of various social, non- governmental and humanitarian organizations dedicated to animal protection, efforts are
organized to raise public awareness of the consequences of illicit animal treatment.
The community has an obligation to develop zero tolerance for all forms of abuse and
raise the level of environmental and bioethical awareness of children and citizens, and that
society in general is educated on the bioethical principles of strict defense of Less |