Abstract | Ovaj rad ima za svrhu prikazati pregled dosadašnjih istraživanja na temu otpornosti i uloge socijalnog rada u jačanju otpornosti. Rad započinje objašnjavanjem osnovnih (ključnih) pojmova, zatim slijede osvrti na otpornost zajednica nakon kriza i ulogu socijalnih radnika u jačanju otpornosti zajednica nakon kriza, potom je prikazan postupak pretraživanja literature i selekcije radova, rezultati odabranih istraživanja kao i njihova metodologija interpretirani su te su na temelju obrađenih istraživanja izvedeni zaključci. Konačna istraživanja koja su uključena u ovu analizu mogu se podijeliti na istraživanja koja tematski pripadaju Norrisovom modelu otpornosti, istraživanja koja pripadaju Frankenbergerovom modelu otpornosti i istraživanja o ulozi socijalnog rada u jačanju otpornosti zajednica pogođenih katastrofom. Rezultati istraživanja koja tematski pripadaju Norrisovom modelu otpornosti potvrđuju da tijek procesa oporavka zajednice nakon katastrofe ovisi o društvenim vrijednostima, kulturi, etničkoj pripadnosti, religioznosti i zaštitnim čimbenicima pogođene zajednice. Istraživanja također pokazuju da postoji dominantan narativ tijekom procesa oporavka zajednice nakon prirodne katastrofe (preferirani tijek oporavka) koji se prezentira kroz medije kao muški, autoritaran institucionaliziran glas koji je vjerodostojniji i privilegiran u odnosu na ostatak stanovništva. Istraživanja koja tematski pripadaju Frankenbergerovom modelu otpornosti potvrđuju da ranjivost na različite rizike zajedno doprinosi ukupnoj ranjivosti na katastrofe. Istraživanja identificiraju neke od najznačajnijih čimbenika ranjivosti na prirodne katastrofe: nizak socioekonomski status, niska stopa obrazovanja, niski prihodi i određene demografske karakteristike poput spola. Istraživanja su pokazala da prirodne katastrofe negativno utječu na zdravlje, socijalni kapital, ekonomski kapital, fizički kapital (infrastrukturu) i stope kriminala u pogođenoj zajednici. Iako su u pravilu razvijene zajednice otpornije na prirodne katastrofe od zajednica u razvoju, svaka pogođena zajednica nakon prirodne katastrofe krenuti će se razvijati u smjeru otpornosti ili u smjeru ranjivosti što ovisi o mogućnosti pogođene zajednice da brzo mobilizira što više dostupnih resursa. Rezultati istraživanja uloge socijalnog rada u jačanju otpornosti zajednica pogođenih katastrofom identificiraju uloge i intervencije socijalnih radnika na razini zajednica nakon prirodne katastrofe isprepletene s osvrtom na obrazovanje socijalnih radnika. U programu obrazovanja studenata socijalnog rada treba više biti zastupljeno upravljanje prirodnim katastrofama i pružanje socijalnih usluga u uvjetima prirodnih katastrofa. Zbog negativnog stava prema socijalnim radnicima javnost će rjeđe prihvaćati njihovu pomoć u slučaju prirodne katastrofe jer niti javnost niti Vlada nisu upoznati s ulogama socijalnih radnika u kontekstu prirodnih katastrofa. |
Abstract (english) | The purpose of this paper is to present an overview of previous research on the topic of resilience and the role of social work in strengthening resilience. The paper begins with an explanation of basic (key) terms, followed by a review on the resilience of communities after crises and the role of social workers in strengthening the resilience of communities after crises, then the literature search procedure and the selection of papers is presented, the results of the selected research as well as their methodology are interpreted and conclusions are drawn based on the processed research. All included research in this analysis can be divided into research that thematically belongs to Norris' model of resilience, research that belongs to Frankenberger's model of resilience, and research on the role of social work in strengthening the resilience of disaster-affected communities. Research results that thematically belong to Norris' model of resilience confirm that the course of the community recovery process after a disaster depends on social values, culture, ethnicity, religiosity and protective factors of the affected community. Research also shows that there is a dominant narrative during the community recovery process after a natural disaster (preferred course of recovery) that is presented through the media as a male, authoritarian institutionalized voice that is more credible and privileged compared to the rest of the population. Research that thematically belongs to Frankenberger's model of resilience confirms that vulnerability to different risks together contributes to the overall vulnerability to disasters. Research identifies some of the most significant factors of vulnerability to natural disasters: low socioeconomic status, low education rate, low income, and certain demographic characteristics such as gender. Research has shown that natural disasters negatively affect health, social capital, economic capital, physical capital (infrastructure) and crime rates in the affected community. Although, as a rule, developed communities are more resistant to natural disasters than developing communities, any affected community after a natural disaster will start to develop in the direction of resilience or in the direction of vulnerability depending on the ability of the affected community to quickly mobilize as many available resources as possible. The results of the research on the role of social work in strengthening the resilience of disaster-affected communities identify the roles and interventions of social workers at the community level after a natural disaster interwoven with a reference to the education of social workers. In the education program of social work students, the management of natural disasters and the provision of social services in the conditions of natural disasters should be more represented. Due to the negative attitude towards social workers, the public will less often accept their help in the event of a natural disaster, because neither the public nor the government is familiar with the roles of social workers in the context of natural disasters. |