Abstract | Zakon o radu definira dvije vrste zabrane natjecanja radnika s poslodavcem, jedna je zakonska, a druga ugovorna. Cilj zabrane natjecanja je zaštita poslovnih interesa poslodavca od strane radnika koji je kod njega zaposlen ili koji je kod njega bio u radnom odnosu. Bitna razlika između zakonske i ugovorne zabrane natjecanja je u tome što zakonska vrijedi temeljem zakona te ju nije potrebno posebno ugovarati dok ugovorna vrijedi samo ako ju radnik i poslodavac ugovore. Dodatno, zakonska zabrana traje dok traje radni odnos, a ugovorna nakon prestanka radnog odnosa, ali ne duže od dvije godine od prestanka. Zakonska zabrana se odnosi na zabranu radnika da bez odobrenja poslodavca, za svoj ili tuđi račun, sklapa poslove iz djelatnosti koju obavlja poslodavac. U slučaju kršenja zakonske zabrane poslodavac može tražiti naknadu štete, tražiti da se sklopljeni posao smatra sklopljenim za njegov račun, tražiti da mu radnik preda zaradu, odnosno na njega prenese potraživanje zarade. Odobrenje poslodavca oslobađa radnika obveze zabrane natjecanja. Ugovorna zabrana znači da radnik i poslodavac mogu ugovoriti da se određeno vrijeme nakon prestanka radnog odnosa radnik ne smije zapošljavati kod osobe koja je u tržišnom natjecanju s poslodavcem, odnosno da ne smije za svoj ili tuđi račun sklapati poslove kojima bi konkurirao poslodavcu. Ugovorna zabrana mora biti sklopljena u pisanom obliku te se ne može sklopiti na razdoblje dulje od dvije godine od prestanka radnog odnosa. Ugovorna zabrana ne obvezuje radnika ako joj cilj nije zaštita opravdanih poslovnih interesa poslodavca, ako nerazmjerno ograničava rad i napredovanje radnika ili ako poslodavac nije preuzeo obvezu isplate naknade za vrijeme njena trajanja. Ugovorna zabrana je ništetna ako je sklopljena s maloljetnikom ili osobom koja u vrijeme sklapanja prima plaću manju od prosječne plaće u Republici Hrvatskoj. Do prestanka ugovorne zabrane natjecanja dolazi protekom vremena na koje je ugovorena, odnosno najkasnije protekom roka od dvije godine od prestanka radnog odnosa. Osim toga, do prestanka može doći i prije isteka roka na koji je ugovorena i to uslijed izvanrednog otkaza radnika, nezakonitog ili nedopuštenog otkaza poslodavca, odustanka poslodavca ili sporazuma poslodavca i radnika. Za slučaj nepoštivanja ugovorne zabrane može se ugovoriti ugovorna kazna. U okviru Europske unije ne postoji akt kojim je regulirana zabrana natjecanja radnika s poslodavcem. Međutim, Direktiva o transparentnim i predvidivim radnim uvjetima u Europskoj Uniji priznaje pravo radniku da radi za drugog poslodavca izvan utvrđenog radnog vremena bez nepovoljnog postupanja, osim ako ograničenja nisu opravdana objektivnim razlozima. Tržište rada se razvija i postaje sve dinamičnije te se za radnike se otvaraju nove mogućnosti u vidu fleksibilnijih radih odnosa koji ima omogućavaju da rade više poslova u isto vrijeme stoga je za očekivati da će pitanja zakonske i ugovorne zabrane natjecanja postajati sve aktualnija. Najvažnije je svakako ostvariti smisao tih instituta radnog prava. Na strani poslodavca to znači zaštita poslovanja od nelojalnih postupaka radnika kojima za vrijeme ili nakon prestanka radnog odnosa konkuriraju poslodavcu. Na strani radnika je važno da zbog suzdržavanje od radnji koje bi predstavljale kršenje zabrane natjecanja primaju odgovarajuću novčanu naknadu kako zabrana ne bi za njih predstavljala nerazmjerno ograničavanje prava na rad i napredovanje i ugrozila im egsiztenciju. |
Abstract (english) | The Labor Law defines two types of prohibition of competition between employees and employers, one is legal and the other is contractual. The aim of the prohibition of competition is to protect the business interests of the employer by the employee who is employed by him or who was employed by him. The important difference between the legal and contractual prohibition of competition is that the legal one is valid on the basis of the law and it is not necessary to contract it separately, while the contractual one is valid only if it is contracted by the employee and the employer. In addition, the legal prohibition lasts for the duration of the employment relationship, and the contractual one lasts after the termination of the employment relationship, but not longer than two years from the termination. The legal prohibition refers to the prohibition of an employee to conclude deals from the activity performed by the employer without the approval of the employer, for his own or someone else's account. In case of violation of the legal prohibition, the employer may request compensation for damages, request that the concluded deal be considered concluded for his account, request that the employee hand over the profit to him, ie transfer the claim for profit to him. The approval of the employer releases the employee from the obligation. Contractual prohibition means that the employee and the employer may agree that for a certain period after termination of employment the employee may not be employed by a person in competition with the employer, or that he may not enter into contracts for his own or someone else’s so that he competes with the employer. The contractual prohibition must be concluded in writing and cannot be concluded for a period longer than two years from the termination of employment. A contractual prohibition does not bind the employee if its purpose is not to protect the legitimate business interests of the employer, if it disproportionately restricts the work and advancement of the employee or if the employer has not made a commitment to pay compensation during its duration. The contract is null and void if it is concluded with a minor or a person who at the time of concluding receives a salary lower than the average salary in the Republic of Croatia. The termination of the contractual prohibition of competition occurs upon the expiration of the time for which it was contracted, ie no later than the expiration of two years from the termination of employment. In addition, termination may occur before the expiration of the term for which it was agreed, due to extraordinary termination of employment contract by employee, illegal or unauthorised termination of employment contract by employer, employers withdrawal or an agreement between the employer and the employee. In case of non-compliance with the contractual prohibition, employee and employer may contract a contractual penalty. There is no act within the European Union that regulates the prohibition of competition between employees and employers. However, Directive on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union recognises the right of an employee to work for another employer outside fixed working hours without adverse treatment, unless the restrictions are justified by objective reasons. The labor market is evolving and becoming more dynamic and the new opportunities are opening up for workers in the form of more flexible working relationships that allow them to do more jobs at the same time so it is to be expected that the issues of legal and contractual prohibition of competition will become more and more topical. The most important thing is certainly to realise the meaning of these institutes of labor law. From the side of the employer, this means protecting the business from unfair actions of employees which compete with the employer during employment or after the termination of employment. From the side of employees, it is important that they receive appropriate financial compensation for refraining from actions that would violate the prohibition on competition, so that the prohibition would not disproportionately restrict their right to work and advance and endanger their livelihood. |