Title Aktivna legitimacija u postupku zaštite kolektivnih interesa i prava
Title (english) Active legitimacy in the process of protection of collective interests and rights
Author Tajana Podolski
Mentor Aleksandra Maganić (mentor)
Committee member Aleksandra Maganić (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Slađana Aras Kramar (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Marko Bratković (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Civil Procedural Law) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-10-11, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Law Civil Law and Civil Procedural Law
Abstract Prateći razvoj i širenje ljudske zajednice, države su bile primorane formirati pravosudni sustav kao garant pravednosti onih odnosa koji su se počeli stvarati među prvotnim narodima. U počecima, privatnopravna zaštita bila je usmjerena na obranu subjektivnih prava i interesa pojedinaca, narušenih tuđim povredljivim postupanjem. Prije adekvatnog sudbenog sustava, pojedinci su samostalno i neregulirano branili vlastite interese. Kasnije, pred kreiranim sudbenim tijelima, nastojao se pružiti jednak tretman svim strankama na putu do pravednog ishoda spora. Uslijed nagle industrijalizacije i porasta trgovine, došlo je do povezivanja društvene zajednice. Od individualnih interesa, društvo je sada moralo iznaći put zaštite i onih prava i interesa koji su postali imanentni širem kolektivu. Povijesno gledajući, kontinentalnoeuropski pravni poreci nisu poznavali takve postupke, dok su se u anglosaksonskom pravu oni javili već u srednjem vijeku. Takve prilagodbe rezultirale su mnoštvom različitih kako postupaka, tako i uređenja i nazivlja tužbi za zaštitu kolektivnih prava i interesa. Od tužbi predstavničkih skupina u ranom pravu Engleske, do skupne tužbe u Americi. Udružna tužba njemačkog prava znatno je utjecala na razvoj kolektivne zaštite u Hrvatskoj. Koncept oblika udružne tužbe usvojen je prvenstveno recepcijom prava Europske Unije, pojavljujući se najprije u zaštiti potrošača, a zatim i u antidiskriminacijskom pravu. Kasnije je Zakonom o parničnom postupku postavljen generalni okvir za pokretanje kolektivnih postupaka našeg prava. U ovome radu autor ponajprije pokušava propitati opseg razvoja aktivne legitimacije za pokretanje kolektivnih parnica, od najranijih razvojnih oblika, do današnjih recentnih propisa hrvatskog prava i Europske unije. Izlažući postojeću sudsku praksu vidljivo je da postoje sporne točke u vezi s osnovnim karakteristikama kolektivne zaštite. Ovlaštenici na podnošenje tužbi ne služe se institutom u dovoljnoj mjeri, pri čemu nedostatak edukacije i bojazan od visokih troškova postupka pospješuju neaktivnost. Daljnju pasivnost uključenih stranaka potrebno je spriječiti, kako bi pravo na zaštitu kolektivnih prava i interesa u Hrvatskoj u potpunosti zaživjelo.
Abstract (english) Following the development and expansion of the human community, states were forced to form a judicial system as a guarantor of the justice of those relations that began to form among the original peoples. In the beginning, private law protection was aimed at defending individuals whose right and interests were violated by someone else's offensive treatment. Prior to an adequate judicial system, individuals independently and unregulatedly defended their own interests. Later, it was attempted to provide equal treatment to all parties on the way to a fair outcome of the dispute before the created judicial bodies. Due to the rapid industrialization and growth of trade, the social community became better connected. Society now had to find a way to protect not only the individual interests, but also those rights and interests that have become inherent in the wider collective. Historically speaking, continental-european legal orders (civil law) did not know such procedures, whereas they appeared in Anglo-Saxon law as early as the Middle Ages. Such adjustments have resulted in a multitude of different procedures and arrangements and also terminology of lawsuits to protect collective rights and interests. From lawsuits by representative groups in the early English law, to class action lawsuits in America. The joint lawsuit in the German law significantly influenced the development of collective protection in Croatia. The concept of a joint action was primarily adopted by the reception of European Union law, appearing first in consumer protection and then in anti-discrimination law. Later, the Law on Civil Procedure appointed a general framework for raising the collective
procedures of our law. In this paper, the author will primarily attempt to question the scope of the development of active legitimacy for instituting collective litigation, from the earliest forms of development, to today's recent regulations of Croatian law and the European Union. It is evident that there are disputable points in the existing case law regarding the basic
characteristics of collective protection. Authorised persons do not make sufficient use of the institute. A lack of education and fear of high concession costs increase inactivity. Further passivity of the parties involved needs to be prevented, so that the right to protection of collective rights and interests in Croatia could be fully realized
aktivna legitimacija
kolektivna zaštita
udružna tužba
prava potrošača
zaštita od diskriminacije
Keywords (english)
active legitimacy
collective protection
class action lawsuit
consumer rights
antidiscrimination law
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:120188
Study programme Title: Law Study programme type: university Study level: integrated undergraduate and graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra prava (magistar/magistra prava)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
Terms of use
Created on 2021-12-31 12:23:23