Title Učinkovitost tretmana za mlade u sukobu sa zakonom
Title (english) Effectiveness of treatment for youth in conflict with the law
Author Andrea Šćekić
Mentor Marijana Majdak (mentor)
Committee member Marijana Majdak (predsjednik povjerenstva)
Committee member Olja Družić Ljubotina (član povjerenstva)
Committee member Nika Sušac (član povjerenstva)
Granter University of Zagreb Faculty of Law (Social Work Studies) Zagreb
Defense date and country 2021-09-28, Croatia
Scientific / art field, discipline and subdiscipline SOCIAL SCIENCES Social Activities
Abstract Cilj ovog rada usmjeren je na prikaz učinkovitosti tretmana za mlade u sukobu sa
zakonom. Mladim počiniteljima prekršajnih ili kaznenih djela određuju se sankcije, a
one mogu biti u obliku odgojnih mjera, kazni (novčana kazna i kazna maloljetničkog
zatvora) te zaštitnih ili sigurnosnih mjera. Sankcije su podijeljene na
izvaninstitucionalne, poluinstitucionalne ili institucionalne, a ovise o težini određene
mjere. Svrha izricanja sankcija je rehabilitacija i resocijalizacija maloljetnika, a cilj
je usmjeren na promjenu osobnosti i ponašanja maloljetnika. Cilj se pokušava
ostvariti pomoću tretmanskog rada s mladima u sukobu sa zakonom, a na
učinkovitost tretmana utječu mnogi čimbenici. Važna je individualizacija pristupa
svakom maloljetniku i prilagodba tretmana ovisno o njegovim potrebama, zbog čega
se sastavlja individualni plan tretmana za svakog maloljetnika. Uz to su važni uvjeti i
način organizacije rada u ustanovama, što se odnosi na same maloljetnike i veličinu
skupina u koje su raspoređeni, stručnjake koji su zaduženi za njih, oblike načina
rada te tretmanske programe koji se provode. Uvjeti često nisu ispunjeni jer
maloljetnici su raspoređeni u prevelike grupe i često nisu motivirani za suradnju, uz
to je premalo stručnjaka, koji većinom s maloljetnicima provode grupni rad te je
premalo individualnog rada, a tretmanskih programa kao niti dodatnih sadržaja i
aktivnosti nema dovoljno. Također, kao nedostaci koji se odnose na sve oblike
sankcija navode se prostorni i materijalni nedostaci, manjak voditelja mjera i
nedovoljno sadržaja za maloljetnike. Nadalje, nije ostvarena suradnja s roditeljima i
s lokalnom zajednicom, kao niti međuresorna suradnja. Nije osigurano niti dovoljno
posttretmanskih programa ili nadzora nakon završetka mjera. Zbog brojnih
nedostataka, tretmanski rad s mladima u sukobu sa zakonom ne smatra se dovoljno
učinkovitim te se njegovi učinci smatraju skromnima i ponekad ne ispunjavaju svoju
Abstract (english) The aim of this paper is to present effectiveness of treatment for youth in conflict
with the law. Young people who commit a misdemeanor or criminal offense will be
sanctioned and sanctions can be in the form of upbringing measures, penalty (fine
and juvenile imprisonment) and protective or security measures. Sanctions are
divided into extra-institutional, semi-institutional and institutional and depend on
the strictness of a particular measure. The purpose of imposing sanctions is the
rehabilitation and re-socialization of minors, and the aim is to focus on changing
personality and behavior of minors. The aim is tried to be achieved through
treatment work with young people in conflict with the law, and the effectiveness of
treatment is influenced by many factors. It is important to individualize the approach
to each juvenile and adjust the treatment depending on his needs, which is why an
individual treatment plan is compose up for each juvenile. Besides, the conditions
and work organization in institutions are important, which refers to the minors
themselves and the size of the groups in which they are assigned, the experts in
charge of them, working approach and the treatment programs that are implemented.
Conditions often are not met because minors are divided into too large groups and
often not motivated to collaborate, there are not enough experts and they mostly
work in groups with minors and there is too little individual work, and there are not
enough treatment programs or additional contents and activities. Also, shortcomings
related to all forms of sanctions include spatial and material deficiencies, lack of a
leader of measures and insufficient content for minors. Furthermore, there was no
collaboration with parents and the local community, as well as interdepartmental
collaboration. There are also not enough post-treatment programs or surveillance
provided after the completion of the measures. Due to numerous shortcomings,
treatment work with young people in conflict with the law is not considered effective
enough and its effects are considered modest and sometimes do not fulfill their
sukob sa zakonom
Keywords (english)
conflict with the law
Language croatian
URN:NBN urn:nbn:hr:199:724513
Study programme Title: Social Work Study programme type: university Study level: graduate Academic / professional title: magistar/magistra socijalnog rada (magistar/magistra socijalnog rada)
Type of resource Text
File origin Born digital
Access conditions Closed access
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Created on 2021-11-26 09:53:38