Abstract | U ovom radu prikazani su rezultati istraživanja o utjecaju obiteljskih čimbenika na pojavu problema u ponašanju. Istraživanje je provedeno metodom analize dokumentacije mladih u dobi 14 do 21 godine koji su u tretmanu Centra za socijalnu skrb, Podružnica Sesvete zbog problema u ponašanju. Provjerna lista sastojala se od nekoliko dijelova 1. Obiteljski čimbenici uvršteni u istraživanje su bračni status roditelja, da li je obitelj jednoroditeljska, broj članova obitelji, stupanj obrazovanja roditelja, radni status roditelja, adekvatnost stambenih uvjeta, imovinsko stanje te rizični čimbenici obitelji. 2. Rizični čimbenici podijeljeni su s obzirom na roditeljsku ovisnost o alkoholu i drogama, nasilno ponašanje, osuđivanost za kaznena djela te duševne smetnje. 3. Problemi u ponašanju uvršteni u ovaj rad su problemi u školi odnosno markiranje, ponavljanje razreda i ispadanje iz sustava obrazovanja, počinjenje kaznenih djela – nasilničkih, imovinskih, neovlaštene prodaje i prometa drogama, spolne zlouporabe djeteta, zatim agresivnog ponašanja, samoozljeđivanja, bijega od kuće i sl. Rezultati istraživanja pokazali su utjecaj sociodemografskih obilježja obitelji na pojavu problema u ponašanju, dok se spol, dob i rizični čimbenici obitelji u ovom istraživanju nisu pokazali kao značajni čimbenici za pojavu navedenih problema u ponašanju. |
Abstract (english) | This paper presents the results of research into the impact of family factors on behavioral problems. The research was conducted by using the method of analyzing the documentation of young people aged 14 to 21 who are under the care of the Social Welfare Center, Sesvete branch, due to their behavioral problems. The checklist consisted of several parts. The first part included the following family factors: parents’ marital status, whether the family is single-parent, the number of family members, the degree of parents’ education, parents’ working status, the adequacy of housing conditions, property status and family risk factors. In the
second part the risk factors observed were: parental dependence on alcohol and drugs, violent behavior, conviction for criminal offenses and mental disorders. The next part of the checklist focused on behavioral problems in the form of school problems. In other words, we focused on skipping classes, repetition of classes and dropping out of the education system, committing criminal offenses, such as violent acts, property damage, unauthorized sales and trafficking of drugs, sexual abuse of children, aggressive behavior, self-injury, escaping from home and so on. The research results have shown that sociodemographic characteristics of a family have an influence on the emergence of behavioral problems, while the factors of gender, age and family risk factors have not appeared as significant factors for the emergence of the mentioned behavioral problems |