Abstract | Dom za starije i nemoćne osniva se u svrhu zaštite starijih osoba. Osim Republike
Hrvatske mogu ga osnivati jedince područne (regionalne) samouprave, vjerske
zajednice, trgovačka društva, udruge te druge domaće i strane pravne ili fizičke
osobe. S obzirom na trenutne trendove, smanjuje se krug glavnih pružatelja skrbi za
starije pa se sukladno tome pojačava pritisak na državu i ostale subjekte. Uslijed
nedostatnih kapaciteta u državnim (županijskim) domovima, javlja se sve veća
potreba za privatnim pružateljima skrbi za starije i nemoćne. S obzirom na to, dolazi
do smanjivanja uloge države i prenošenja nekih njezinih funkcija na privatne
S ciljem dobivanja saznanja o obilježjima djelovanja privatnih domova iz perspektive
njihovih osnivača, provedeno je kvalitativno istraživanje u kojem su sudjelovala dva
osnivača privatnih domova za starije i nemoćne. Dobiveni rezultati pokazali su kako
se privatne ustanove razvijaju kao odgovor na nepodmirenu potražnju za uslugama
skrbi. Od ostalih motiva istaknuli su se zarada i profit, zapošljavanje, sprječavanje
iseljavanja, nezadovoljstvo postojećim uslugama te želja za podizanjem standarda i
kvalitete skrbi za starije. Osnivači privatnih domova kao najveće probleme i izazove
ističu: nedostatak iskustva, probleme s birokracijom i početnim ulaganjem,
nedostatak podrške, neravnopravan položaj i diskriminaciju, lošu koordinaciju
sustava zdravstva i privatnih domova, nedovoljnu integriranost u sustav socijalne
skrbi, nedostatak stručnog osoblja, izazove financijske održivosti, te netransparentnu
i nepovoljnu praksu socijalnog ugovaranja usluga s ministarstvom. Pokazalo se kako
se privatni domovi na tržištu usluga ističu kvalitetom osoblja, zajedništvom radnog
kolektiva, višim standardom pruženih usluga, odgovornim upravljanjem i vođenjem,
individualiziranom skrbi, informiranošću korisnika, kvalitetnom i uravnoteženom
prehranom, preventivnim djelovanjem, poštivanjem i humanosti prema starijim
osobama te organiziranjem radnih aktivnosti i slobodnog vremena korisnika. Što se
tiče suradnje s drugim dionicima iz područja skrbi za starije i nemoćne, istraživanje
je pokazalo kako privatni domovi imaju razvijenu suradnju s ostalim dionicima, osim
s ministarstvom čiji je odnos još uvijek nerazvijen. Također se istaknula potreba za
uvođenjem kriterija provjere podobnosti osnivača prilikom osnivanja doma, te
potreba za kategorizacijom i licenciranjem domova za starije i nemoćne. |
Abstract (english) | Elder care facilities are founded for the purpose of protecting the elderly. Apart from
Republic of Croatia, an elder care facility may also be established by regional selfgovernment
units, religious communities, trade associations and other domestic and
foreign legal or natural persons. Considering current trends, the circle of major care
providers for the elderly is reducing, so accordingly, it increases the pressure on the
state and other subjects. Due to the lack of capacity the state (county) elder care
facilities, there is an increasing need for private care providers for the elderly. As a
result, the role of the state is decreasing and some of its functions have been
transferred to private providers.
In order to gain insight into the characteristics of private elder care facilities from
the perspective of their founders, a qualitative research was conducted involving two
founders of private elder care facilities. The results obtained showed that private
institutions are developing in response to unresolved demand for care services.
Among other motives were the earnings and profit, employment, the prevention of
emigration, the dissatisfaction with the existing services and the desire to raise
standards and quality of care for the elderly. Private home founders, as the biggest
problems and challenges, point out: lack of experience, problems with bureaucracy
and initial investment, lack of support, unequal position and discrimination, poor
coordination of health systems and private institutions, insufficient integration into
the social welfare system, lack of professional staff, financial sustainability
challenges, and the non-transparent and unfavorable practice of social contracting
with the ministry. It has been shown that private institutions in the service market are
highlighted by the quality of staff, the collective work group, the higher standard of
services provided, responsible control and management, individualized care, user
information, quality and balanced nutrition, preventive action, respect and humanity
towards the elderly, working activities and organization of free time of the user. As
far as co-operation with other stakeholders in the area of care for the elderly is
concerned, research has shown that private homes have developed cooperation with
other stakeholders, with the exception of the ministry, whose relationship is still
underdeveloped. The need to introduce the criteria for establishing the founder's
eligibility when establishing the private institution has also been pointed out as well
as the need for categorizing and licensing elder care facilities. |